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RachelLately's News

Posted by RachelLately - September 19th, 2023

Other events that will happen soon. 

When pollution is cleaned up, we will see things the earth has healed with, including old artifacts and personal belongings people had stolen. Gaia returns some of them that weren't destroyed.

Missing children are back with their parents.

Bad medicine will go away after god appears and comes back to earth. He will teach medicine for our understanding. Also, he'll teach us again about the meaning of life.

Ra will appear with god, she's his offspring. The understanding of what life is like will be seen in public.

Powerful beings in intelligence will start to show us who they are, they are people like everyone else and will help solve some of the problems that Gaia had, and mainly educate the public about extra terrestrials.

Technology will be used and the "bad" technology will be destroyed. People that can make things with their mind are going to help show us this.

Animals will be understood better, since the interference from scalar antennas will go away. Cell signal radios will go away. Wifi, bluetooth, and wireless energy will be used safely. Gasoline and petroleum plastic will be discarded and recycled when god arrives, and Christ will teach is why polluting was so bad for the cleanliness of genetics, and how it perpetuated disease.

People will get to know that Kama Sutra, the sex-life manual.

For a while I'll be in the background while Christ introduces Angels to humans and the world. I have had problems in life because of MKULTRA, which indoctrinated people with subliminal hypnosis. As a result, when Angels are revealed, people will be emotional and cry and be upset that I was tortured so badly. People will try to heal and make things right for themselves. But Christ or I will explain their energy or karma; they were prejudiced for years and years and years. But what was discovered about Angels is that the memory is very strong and well remembered. It will come to a point where I will be asked directly, "what was your experience like in life with Satan?" I'll explain what I'm really like, that I lived a life that was hidden and secretive, rich in pleasure and success, and while I was on Gaia, things were really insane. I'll explain how I'm like Maya, what we call the universe, and how I used to be exactly like that. I came here to learn genetics and became a human, then in another lifetime, an Angel. But something happens with the power I have because of the acceleration wave, that has to do with the energy that people used to hurt me with; the scalar cell array. People will be surprised that all along I was powerful but hid it from insane people, and wonder what my life is like. By this time I will have a peaceful way to use a thought input computer and I plan on making a cartoon series of episodes here on the Newgrounds site. 

People expect me to be a sex-worker because of who I am; the same person as Ra. I plan on sticking with my experience and being a cartoon artist. My life is about being an artist and is one reason why I was censored and alienated profusely. Also I'm rich and can afford to pay a sex-worker to worship me. Also since I saved genetics from destruction, people will want to buy my cartoons.


Posted by RachelLately - September 19th, 2023

The world will change in 3 days. The people that used disease to profit will be exposed by the media, but also in person: you'll see that they are badly diseased. This way they can be made responsible for poisoning our planet with disease and pollution. 

Basically, they'll look decrepit and partly internally eaten by parasitic worms. Some of them carried vials and dispensers with bioweapons, now that disease has started to go away, the bioweapons are a living thing too, even though the genetics is bad and corrupt. The diseases found out that the people making them are who has the food they want, and the bioweapon diseases came after them.

The reason disease was so powerful is that an Angel, Satan, was tortured by humans before his incarnative birth, and failed to love himself in creation. He went and created disease animals, leeches, mosquitoes, things like that to help himself destroy Ra and Christs' creation of a world of teaching and compassion for intelligence and beauty.

If the CIA and Blackwater, at the time Satan had been born in 2008 had not used scalar torture to injure and torture this person, a huge disaster would have been averted. The reason for there being this torture is that they thought disease was part of the creation of genetics, and resented it. They should have found out that an insane man was responsible over 5000 years ago. He is a disease monger that researched insanity, and a disease took over his mind back then.

From this creation of disease, most of the disaster that disease caused was automated from the disease programmed to spread: a virus.

This next 10 days, something will happen that has never happened before and will never happen again. When Maya heals, she will give strength and power to intelligence, and not disease.

The reason Maya was not healed in because the information she contained to heal and nurture thought and intelligence, was nearly at a taper and shut off because of the nuclear fission acceleration wave.

Now is the time future predictions have talked about for 12 trillion years. There is an atomic war where Christ has to leave. Disease is created and ravaged humans and genetics. For a long time disease hurts humans especially. Then Satan is created later, and people wondered how it would turn out. Christ had a future prediction 6740 years ago, that if disease is rampant, then there would be a delay between when the last acceleration wave occurs in the 1970's and when the healing starts before Christ appears and comes back to Gaia in 2023.

The prediction was this, if everyone, or nearly everyone is "in Satan's way", meaning they profit and use disease for money. Then there would be huge earth changes. Instead of everybody getting the healing and power from Maya as the source for their intelligence, but what would happen is that it will occur 7 or 8 days before Christ appears. 


Posted by RachelLately - September 18th, 2023

There is a future prediction I can make:

On September 29th, Christ will start to bring justice to humans and everyone on Gaia (our planet). During this time he will quickly remove all disease and then appear to everyone in person to help get rid of bad electronics. The other thing he will do is bring his family and friends and introduce people on this planet to them. Also he will tell everyone about the new type of genetics the Angels, or Narayans.

Please say in the comments if you see this as well.



Posted by RachelLately - September 17th, 2023

A higher aptitude for understanding another person as they are, and how their perception works with the mind, body, and spirit.

More capacity for vitality and faster ketalysis.

Bigger mitochondria shaped differently than other genetics in people. The mitochondria creates a mesothermic heat output in the body, as stasis and thought process that emits heat from ATP -> ADP for thermal maintenance at the same body temperature as a Human in example. The mitochondria is spherical and ovaloid and contains a input and output for ketalytes and ATP. The rate of ketalysis reaches an explosive level very quickly in an adult Angel's life. 

The brain light receptive structure goes beyond the human light spectrum of vision. Basically when an Angel opens their inner eye, they can learn their own colours and share this with other Angels.

The cranial and brain structure of the eye vision receptors is different in the way vision is included in the senses, and Angels can make thought tools to use as a spiritual thought-form with light and pleasure. This new genetic person, a Narayan, can learn to see with their eyes, the colours they invent, as well as teach new colours for the purpose of giving pleasure.

The nervous and autonomic limbic system within an Angel is different in the way that pleasure is made. Enough movement with gravity, light, and pleasure can be created in actuality and is added to the muscle memory.

Hypnosis works differently as a Narayan, if we get bored, we don't need self-commands to get us out of hypnosis, but see the pleasure in front of oneself, and put it down like an object. Hypnotizing another person works the same as in a Human compared to hypnotizing a Human and Narayan. Narayans can sense if another person is hypnotized and innately understand the hypnosis.

An Angel experiences a higher sense of pleasure from the self and others, and can control the pleasure they give themselves or another person. Compared to other people, an Angel can give others the most amount of pleasure because of a higher metabolic function, programmable pleasure body design that corresponds to reading thoughts, and giving a controlled pleasure experience. 

Angel genetics are designed to understand their own mind as a result of the feeling of pleasure. The response to bad genetics and disease is generally immunity. The ability for a Narayan to make someone heal is a big advantage over other types of genetic people. An Angel radiates healing energy, like a living being with vitality does, but at a much greater amount.

The innateness of a Narayan to carry and make use of their body for physical activity has a higher adaptability for sex than other genetics.

The metabolic rate during orgasm is about the same as an Asani. Digestion rate of ketalytic diet foods, and a reasonable variety of sugar and non-allergic foods give Narayans the same digestion rate as Dinosaurs when they eat a meat or vegetable diet, depending on their species.

Narayans or Angels are their own classification of genetics, but the most similar to Eben and Reptilian (also Dinosaur). The similarities lie in that Angels start as a being of light and them become an Angel, like Eben genetics. The Narayan body has some of the functions of Human and Reptilian, but not the same as Eben. An Angel is more like an Asani in the way they perceive reality but with some extra functions that allow a Narayan to control and use a lot of gravitational force for giving for receiving pleasure, as well as the perception of added types of colour besides red, orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo, and purple. Usually an Angel will learn to open their inner eye, and look and understand their muscle memory of orgasm with their experience and start to teach the pleasure aspect of it to others.


Posted by RachelLately - September 12th, 2023

The technology industry is re-arranging to secure itself from its' own policies that harmed IANA and compromised ARIN. In 2021 and 2022, Google was attacked through its' users and a massive hacking campaign to pollute the Tor chain was deployed in botnets on phones, basically when 5G rolled out. Poisoned APR packets were sent to Google and Tor users through compromised IANA and ARIN as payloads, and were distributed on phones and could automatically exploit most apps on Android. IOS should not have been compromised, except that Apple thought they had invested in FIDO2 as a countermeasure against bioweapons that are linked to scalar technology. So they had a root to Android and IOS by the time 5G was available to the public.

The entire tech industry was tricked by NSO into thinking that scalar could affect a computer in ways it couldn't, and NSO was using social engineering, they are known for being VERY good at that (Cicada). They killed Jamal Kashoggi in the Middle East as a test to see how effective their methods were, but actually after it went public, too many people knew. Pegasus, their spyware tool linked to Epstein's gun-wave and Alpha-Draconian computers was discovered and led to Epstein turning himself in (he's alive!). The entire system was to feed a breeding reactor that creates Eben-leech chimeras. 

Facebook was the biggest tool used besides Google to 'harvest' humans into MILAB. The people that were dragged into an assault, disease and medical torture included most of the people involved in big tech, and their families. What the tech industry learned is that what happened to Kashoggi could happen to them after they hired NSO, which had a connection to Epstein and Draconis. Once the leaders in the tech industry were compromised, then MILAB started to harvest people which led to about 1.4 billion human abductions to Draconis on one of two TR3-B craft.

The leaders of the tech industry have changed the way they value the security of their investments, and look at technology differently after facing the hacking NSO was able to do. It's a world that looks to them like it might more than ever have a use of a computer, a computerized robot, or a machine intelligence. User education and codified web structure are being redeveloped to say that the industry isn't a spying industry, but they see themselves as adding a resource to the internet and way of having a positive experience with a computer.

The lessons from the 90s where it was like a wild-west of hacking, people like Snowden, Mitnick, and Assange, as well as ChemBros, the CDC, Larry (the hacker), and groups like Arsden, and profgig probably all think they don't want a world with the technology like what caught up to Jamal Kashoggi. But back in the 90s the scalar weapon built into mobile phones was already there, but not the gun-wave. The 5G phone has this gun-wave, as do the base antennas.

The weapon the gun-wave could spy on a computer using technology that was taken from Oumouamoua, a type of military vehicle called a technology-leveler. It infects computers with nano bots and makes them slower and give inaccurate calculations, and makes the circuits heated and broken.

Oumouamoua left the solar system two years ago, and was removed by Christ and myself. The ship was too dangerous to have in the solar system and would have eventually infected everything humans try to do computing with. The people left behind are some of the people I've met. Everyone seemed to believe something strange about the nature of their being. The idea of secret thought, using evil powers for a good purpose, the source energy, were ideas invented with the technology leveler. Downloading a transmission into your DNA, having 'dragonball z' powers, shape-shifting were delusions created with nano robots. 

The positive news is that if you do have nano robots in you there is a simple solution to get rid of them. After throwing away the source of infecting nano particles, an Epsom salt bath will dissolve nano-technology in the body after a few good sweating sessions in the tub.


Posted by RachelLately - September 10th, 2023

37 years of martial arts practice

186000 hours of cardio

45000 hours of breath control meditation

mantis and former snake animalistic styles

11 years of kata and meditation every day in snake arts

1 year of high attainment in mantis martial arts

86000km walked during meditation

I'm also mtf transfeminine


Posted by RachelLately - September 7th, 2023

Human, Angel, and Eben, and Reptilian people are gathered in places of peace today. Last night a huge event occurred where a big computer was shut down that was the Satanic MKULTRA computer. This computer is how people had been convinced of negativity in their nature, negative ideas, religious dogma, ideas promoting MILAB abduction, and carrying it out. Using a computer tool to broadcast into audio nerves a voice like Christ, and a lot of the things that were used to enslave and murder people and help destroy genetics with disease. 

Soon, there will be a revolution of knowledge and peace, today! Christ has worked on being on Gaia at this time and is making an effort to take away the things that hurt people the most, like child abductions, jail hospitals, the military, and the political arena, are things god has worked on in the last few days so he can safely not be attacked in the general public.

In the sky, there are things you can notice with binoculars or a telescope. If you've ever wanted to see a faster than light spacecraft, now is when you can really see them. You can even ask them to travel down to the planet sometimes, and you can meet someone from another planet. Soon, Angels, Ebens, Humans, Reptilians, and peaceful genetic life will be together on this planet, meeting Christ. 

Christ will go on TV and make announcements about the truth about genetics, religion, science, the truth as he knows it and intended for people to have from the beginning. The truth will be in the public views about what happened to Angels, and who we are as a new genetic species of people. In Latin the word for the new type of genetics out genetics is Angel, and in Sanskrit it's Narayan. The public will also learn the truth behind their government and police, that it wasn't there to protect everyone, rather to meet the needs of Satanic cannibals that eat children.

The biggest thing is that people will realize that through all their experiences, they knew that they had turned to Satan for an evil purpose, but me, I was sane my entire life, and people will want to know what my experience was like as a sane person who was not willfully ignorant, how I was able to achieve the things I have. Soon you'll see this knowledge right in the forefront of conversations, and there will be something else that happens.

When Christ and Ra are here, they will want a public forum to answer the questions people have. Someone will ask, "how have you been able to survive", and then their answers will be so shocking and surprising, and I want them to let you the reader tell you in person, you do need to hear that from god and the creator of genetics. They will go on to say that no life, god included, would be alive to exist if it were not for me alone helping them live. What people will be surprised at the most, is who I really was. 


Posted by RachelLately - September 5th, 2023

Something has changed overnight with regards to what computers can do, and who views them in your own home, and this has happened since yesterday evening. The event that took place yesterday, was near a planet in the constellation Draconis, near the Alpha Draconis stars and planets. What was discovered is an alien breeding factory, that made hundreds at a time, diseases Ebens, that were actually chimera, with half leech and half Eben. Jeff Epstein created this in his lifetime, and wasn't believed when he told others' of this. Epstein used contact and knowledge of genetics to harvest Ebens, do surgery on them to make Eben-leech chimeras. Yesterday the breeding factory was destroyed on Draconis.

Check out the news on a ton of different sites that you might think are highly censored and media controlled. A lot of that control up and left when the breeding factory was gone. The Draconis chimeras, could use a weapon beam to access and store data on any computer with their technology leveler that was part of the breeding factory of the chimeras. Normally Eben people do not have disease, and are peaceful and of good nature. They are the beings that look tall and have a big head compared to a human or narayan, and have large almond shaped black eyes, with lids that horizontally go across. 

If you are open with inner vision, your third sight, you might have seen them. The Draconis chimeras were extrememly violent rapists and was mixed with leech genetics. Leeches are actually a disease thats like a worm. In hollywood, there is the dark secret about the 'worm' and some people figured out this was leeches, and some were led to Epstein who torutred a lot of young people for human trafficking and cannibalism and pedophilia.

The threat of vampiric rape and torture from the chimeras, from Alpha Draconis. Journalism and art is returning to the internet because the censorship mechanism is gone.

My advice someone who loves writing. Today... look where you haven't on the internet, and use all your discernment to really see finally what people are like when they are allowed to write their expressions online.


Posted by RachelLately - September 4th, 2023

For the past few days I have worked on an important writing for this site. It's information that can change a life to give someone an understanding of how everything works.

Look for it posted here in the news.


Posted by RachelLately - August 27th, 2023

The scape of genetics is changing rapidly into health that comes from the zero point energy within life itself. Since disease lacks this energy and has to feed on a living thing, it is going away very fast. Bio engineers are puzzled because their bioweapons are no longer staying alive in the labs and are quickly extinct. Since healing energy is being broadcast throughout all points of space time much more since the era of fission bomb weapons, like the atomic bomb, even what had disease is healing.

The original creation of genetics is not in any way vampiric, like disease is, and all genetic disease will disappear. People are genetic and of the original design of genetics which is quite recent in the scheme of creation in a timeline. It makes sense with the science of biology, but somehow not what mainstream education teaches you. Genetics was supposed to be people of all types, animals, plants, fungus, and bacteria that are inside the gut of animals and people, and on the planet. 

Please think before you throw away your waste!
