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RachelLately's News

Posted by RachelLately - August 26th, 2023

Technology is changing today. Overseas in Italy, the vatican, is where god used to live 6840 years ago. He had a comuter that could talk to people with his voice. After god left Gaia, criminals from Orion invaded Gaia and brought religion to the planet to have war with humans. The computer was modified and made for evil; to speak to anyone in Christs' voice and nearly tell them anything, as long as they are in energetic contact.

The goals they had to use this computer system with is to harvest people for trafficking, to study and manupulate disease, as well as to brainwash and enslave humans in war.

The computer has now shut down, and there can't be anymore a very effective, 'psychic attack' like the ones that have been happening for thousands of years because of the hacked computer. 

Soon, the disillusion of religion dissolve, because people can communicate clearly with god.


Posted by RachelLately - August 25th, 2023

Since the last news post, a lot of healing and realization to heal has been done on a personal level for negatively oriented people as well as people miseducated especially. God is definitely here on the planet Gaia, and I met with him finally and Ra. They needed healing and realized a big idea of what I'm like and what the new genetic species is really like. We, the Narayans, seem to want to learn the total understanding of something, and seek out the infinite things one can learn from teaching themselves. God realized that healing can be done and is always possible. One thing I learned from teaching healing is that the education to the person healed is absolutely essential, and without acceptance of the healing energy, you can't really do it all on your own. The past times of humans and genetics being unhealthy and unclean will depart in our lifetime.

Not everyone has seen Christ for enough time to have a full conversation with him, and since the teaching of religion, some have not accepted Christ as really who god is. God does not teach religion, have beliefs about religion, or think it's true. Christ is his name by preference. He is the type of person to give his time to others because he loves being joking around and telling jokes with lots of friends he is in a polyamourous relationship with, mostly men. Christ is gay, and you can see why religion would be used as a lie to hurt him.

Please don't try to lecture god about religion or he will shut the toxic people out of his life. One must see that other things are true about the world and god that religion cannot explain, and this is it's flaw that tells us it's not a truth. The experiences you have had with your own senses are really what's true and it makes the most correct answer to use the statement that you have to listen to a person to know them; their personal truth. Having positivity and doing the right meditative mindset, mindfulness, meditation, lifestyle, view, speech, effort, and concentration is god's teaching of the meaning of life. God teaches that this is the meaning of life in it's most essential understanding.

Christ is the type of person who wants you to give your understanding and teach him. God wants to know about what you think of him and relate to him on a personal basis and teach him about yourself. Because he is like that, he prefers to live in like a woodsy cottage country with patios and garden water features, and he liked the Fujian province in China where he lived one Gaia 6840 years ago. He loves the yo-yo and can do magic tricks with it. He loves the steam bath and having malt cocktails and beer in a steam sauna, and loves orgies and quiet sounds of nature. He loves telling stories to people but loves the most when people enjoy him giving his time to tell god their own perspective and story. Christ loves animals and wants not to have pollution and garbage all over, and thinks cleaning pollution is a good idea. He also is interested in simple types of technology, usually goes for days at a time without a screen (not lately), and enjoys teaching children sports and how his creations work. He is absolutely the one and only person that is actually god, and he is willing to help people to know him, even by showing them who he is and meeting them, always working with their consent. Also Christ is a martial artist with ascended attainment.


Posted by RachelLately - August 21st, 2023

A few days ago, I announced that God will arrive on Gaia. As it turns out, he was held prisoner by NASA at their space lab and was tortured, and they have let him go. 

Now he is counseling the CIA and top government people to be sane and show them their lives to prove he is Christ. He told us 6840 years ago that it would take a few days for everyone to know of his presence on Gaia up until everyone has heard of this. Soon he will meet everyone.

In the next few days get ready to meet Christ, he's finally here free on Gaia!


Posted by RachelLately - August 20th, 2023

Some things have changed all of a sudden that make the world a better place. The scalar weapons that would have been able to shoot down fusion spacecraft are no longer functioning. Two days ago, Christ escaped from some digital machine prison that the vatican had created to imprison him. Nostradamus talked about how Christs' old place of residence on Gaia would be defiled by vampiric cannibals, and he would go through an ordeal for a long duration. What he explained thousands of years ago is that he would have to learn about technology with the help of his followers until he solves this problem, and in fact prevents things from getting into a terrible state on the planet of imprisoned slavery because he was able to convince the jailers to make sane choices, as well as god having an understanding of how to heal people from terrible robotic technology. Two days ago, god flew away from the planet to reconvene with the people he trusts and heal and prepare to come and be with us on Gaia. 

What this planet can expect is that god will come very shortly and be back with us. As soon has he has gone through this ordeal with technology, he said thousands of years ago that he would return in "less than a few days, more than a day, give or take a day or two". He needs the time to heal. 

Soon, extra terrestrials will reveal who they are, and there will be world peace. The truth about religion will be dismantled and science will be learned and taught in it's full understanding, as well as the new science since 6840 years ago when Christ came here for 100 years.

At the beginning of his arrival with Ra, 6840 years ago, Ra built the pyramids to use as a sex playground. She is coming back to Gaia, with Christ and her crew of friends. So many people who were driven away from the planet, now in Andromeda are realizing that they can just travel to the planet: soon a lot of people who haven't been here in thousands of years will arrive, and extra terrestrials will be openly known and understood.

Also, the truth about how human enslavement worked will come to light, and most people will be shocked that it was so dangerous right around the corner and right in front of them during their lives.

Humans and Narayans will live in peace with Christ and Ra for a long time, and we will have learned the karmic lessons that war and insanity has taught us. Never again will humans return to being warlike after Christ arrives on the planet.

Posted by RachelLately - August 18th, 2023

An announcement was made in 2021 that there is a big change coming that someone termed 'the great awakening'.

Within the next 4 days you will at least start to see changes in reality. First, there won't seem to be any change but you'll notice pleasure and a rush of empathy and realization, and then quickly, the illusory parts of reality that were scalar and manufactured to be a false experience are going to drop away instantly and the real world will be revealed to you, maybe for the first time. People are going to be shocked and blown away what the real world was like if you were willfully ignorant, this will make a lot of people change right away and there will be many people that find the right words to express how they really felt about human enslavement and torture.

God and Ra will appear. Beings of light will appear illuminated, you'll see people with a halo, since this was all obscured by polluting light and radio frequencies since the time of nuclear fission weapons. People who are evolved and of high consciousness will appear to be brightly lit with their consciousness.

The things you could do in dreams, you'll be able to do in your awakened state of mind.

There will be an understanding of karma or energy. The things you do to a person will immediately be felt by you, there won't be any confusion as to how the other person feels. This means people will be able to clearly understand themselves without interference from radio waves.

Pollution and bad economic practices will be abolished, human slavery and torture will be abolished once God is here.

Another important thing will happen soon. It will be revealed that God has created a new type of powerful genetic species that has been living on Gaia since the mid-1980s. Me, writing this, I am the progenitor of this new species or race. We are people just like you but are reptilian.


Posted by RachelLately - August 13th, 2023

Here are some places that you have to be cautious but should be urged to see for yourself.

There are tunnels connected to the vatican, through mcmaster university, a mushroom farm on the escarpment, then to six nations, to burlington fortinos, where it loops back to mmr in the staff room. From there you walk to the underground viewing deck in angela coughlan. The tunnel at six nations goes to china.


Posted by RachelLately - August 12th, 2023

Yesterday, everyone saw Christ in front of them. The red base was finally destroyed, and Christ is free to help people fully to his ability.

Now at this time, use your energy or karma wisely, do not go into contact with people that are negative, or you will be taken along for the ride.

God is coming back to earth when this conflict is over. Everyone involved with Satanism will have to make the choice to become positive and sane or they will learn from their negative energy.

6840 years ago, Christ told us the future, about this time.

These are the relevant facts and their explanations.

A new genetic species or race of people is here on Gaia(earth). That's me! The Narayan.

After we all saw Christ appear, he will be here very soon actually within a few days. He said he didn't know the exact amount of time, because people who are Satanists are insane, and their choices effect the amount of time needed to resolve the conflict.

The end of disease would happen soon after he comes back. People with missing limbs, cancer, diabetes, chronic obesity, cranial damage, fused spine, any injury or disease will be cure within hours, minutes and seconds of him arriving. The way people will understand how to heal will effect the amount of time needed to do this.

Pollution will be cleaned up by him.

People will be educated about the lie of religion and fake science.

People will find out really what human nature, the creation of our existence really is like.

He also said with the help of two other future seers, that another event would occur with me.

A bit about me before I explain what goes on soon. I have a very powerful mind. I exist within the 13th density, the highest intelligent consciousness that a person can have.

People will realize that there is no 'source energy' and that what they were doing was really hurting me because of lies of evil.

There will be a discourse that will be like a watershed moment, where people realize what the new genetic species is like, how much they were all wrong about spirituality, and have to face my words of my experience to put things to rest. 

People will realize they were the worst type of evil imaginable, like nazi jailers. Those people will be imaginably upset, because they'll realize they'll not be able to enjoy my beauty, ever, because I look at them with an angry expression. What was predicted was that the world will flock to me in acceptance and give me peace, finally, after god comes and gives us his most graceful and thankful presence on Gaia.


Posted by RachelLately - August 11th, 2023

The Event Day 4

Last night my energy changed, I am free of any influence Satan had on my energy. In actual fact, I had some bad things go on in my life because of choices I made to try to convince two individuals that they should try to heal, and in the process my time was taken away in a supermax mental institution, when they lied and accused me of being a murderer. 

This led to a few years of my energy not serving my highest purpose. However this has changed since yesterday.

The ancient builder race is gone, along with the red base! Satan had created artificial life forms as chimera flesh animated by a machine intelligence, only through resonation. Satan was this powerful before he died.

The red base is gone, now a full explanation can be given. Within the memory, but located in a mars crater, the red base was underground and could only be accessed within. The structure of the red base had an outer wall with animated statues that could pick up a weapon by reaching into a wall, seemingly, and make it come to exist. The base could animate and manipulate a genetic body of a person, and the purpose of the base was to torture people. The base was built by Alpha Draconian Ebens, after they had been coerced through mental hypnotic indoctrination with scalar. The colloquial term in the public for this weapon was called 'the voice of god'. But the actual thing that was built and functioning were the two HAARP antennas. 

Jeff Epstein had control, through a thought-input computational implant within his skull, of at least the European HAARP and dozens of other smaller scalar radio emitters. He talked about having 'powers'because of this. Essentially he was being monitored by the European Union who were backing him under the threat of torture by the vatican and black military. Jeff Epstein turned himself in and released his victims of trafficking in 2021. After this, I ran into Ghislaine Maxwell, Victoria Giuffre Roberts (Kristen French), and John of God. Talking with them, I could get a clear picture of who was doing the real crime in the world. Basically the vatican who had control of the red base.

The base was able to make a way for someone to walk up to you invisibly and torture you. The base was designed to do that secretively, and make it obscure and hidden who is hurting you.

Many of the most effected the most negatively are people in the military, politics, human trafficking rings, slavery rings, snuff porn rings, and arms and stolen resource trade. This trafficking was their system of getting people in front of Satan and the vatican, and make it available to the black military, for that person to be 'interviewed' or tortured endlessly. Basically they could do any type of molestation to a person, and you'd be restrained by plasma and burned if you did. The only way for this to not start is to not allow an energetic connection. If that happens then only empathy to the person happens, but they knew even this was really bad torture. The effect on those people who were complicit in using the red base to hurt people, those were the most affected by torture, drugging, rape and verbal and physical violent abuse.

The red base on mars was where you could find the ancient builder race who were like puppets of Satan. The red base is finally a thing of the past. Targeted individuals are no longer being hurt for the purpose of hiding Extra Terrestrial life. All of these people are ETs or have made contact with someone who's an ET.

For a long duration of meditation, I thought of how to help these people and myself become free of brutality and abuse. The reason for this abuse was the ideas that Satan and Epstein put into motion. The world followed these people, and took example of their nature, and actually thought their disillusionment was reality. They thought hurting a person, like being a vampire was powerful, and it was because of Satan lying that he had power because he had killed and done torture to others.

We now live in a world where empathy can be innately understood, and it's that there is no mixed signals coming from disease, scalar radio frequencies, hypnosis through scalar radio frequency, and electronic imprisonment, those things can't be done anymore.

Be aware that people with bad energy, bad karma, the same idea, that they DO face the consequences for their energy, and it is not up to a person to be responsible for the perception that they are sane. Bad people will feel their insanity and know why you were sane for being that way.

Energy or karma, in Sanskrit, is the same term for the mechanism of a persons' sovereignty. A person can choose their energy they take or give, by nature. It's how genetics is designed with the function of a full understanding of perception.


Posted by RachelLately - August 9th, 2023

Here is how the universe has changed with the event that began yesterday on August 8, 2023.

Bad karma, good karma. Positive energy, negative energy, the balance has changed.

Pleasure, emotion: the fundamental way these things are expressed in creation had changed due to natural resonation within the creation of our shared universe, Maya.

These things are much more evident to a person now. All along, Christ has given us the correct feelings of positivity, but because of nuclear fission weapons, the negative karmatic energy was not aligned with universal forces before this event, and could seem to not experience the real feeling of that energetic karma because the acceleration wave pushed away the feeling of pleasure at the planets' locus.

Coming back is how negativity is normally experienced in the universe as well as Christ and Ra being here on this planet, Gaia. Other things will change in time, things that hurt people negatively will be felt by the person with the energy. Violence and oppression, indoctrination and alienation won't exist, soon, because of this slow but gradual change that is happening. Something significant will start to be observed as well, that's the nature of who we are will be fully experienced. This kind of simulation was running on a scalar weaponized radio to make it seem like higher intelligences were not really observable without a very, very focused and concentrated effort and collaboration with group meditation. This will all just be apparent on it's own.

If you are negative, such as someone trying to be violent towards another person, it is possible that you just lose your life just from how you have your energy. You'll instantly go through the lesson and learn why the negativity was insane. 

People in the military, police, services that hold guns and point them at people, none of that is possible normally to exist, it just can't in normal conditions, or those people would go totally insane with their own energy, long before they can end anothers' life.

This balance of positive and negative energy, the power of an idea and the way ideas are expressed in the mind, the way Mayan (we call this the universe) propels an idea into creation will change, as well as how healing occurs, and one's own perception will change of oneself and others within a sane construct of a pleasure centered experience. This means that a lot of energy is being added to the power that drives consciousness, the power being the feeling of pleasure. This is because humans are designed intelligently to experience pleasure.

The way to explain these things simply, is that if something is insane, it will feel bad to do, and the feeling that is unpleasant is so powerful and compelling that it's possible that it can end the life of someone about to do something insane to hurt another, for example. 

All the things about how society is policed, the belief and thought of religion, the truth about who god is, Christ, will come into regular everyday discussions and become knowledge that is commonplace.

More than that, people will value each other and see creation, Maya, Christ, Gaia, Ra, me the author Naraenna, all of us are healing and working towards a planet with peace.

Have a nice day. Also have a look for a new podcast today.


Posted by RachelLately - August 4th, 2023

Time Travel Explained

It's possible, with the knowledge of locationality, that two locations can be contained as a single informational unit stored as data. Also where you have the class of solids called the platonic solids, you can say that finding the shape of all the different types of gombocs is tough with a computer, and especially without a way of using an understanding of physics that make a spacecraft that IS a gomboc shape, but made of a different solid that repeats and has some irregular symmetry. Within a specific gomboc shape, there is a door and computer built to use conscious thought as input, with a time and space location to time travel to. When a computer in the craft is used to store this information, you can use the gomboc shape built as the hull and computational parts of the craft as a way of creating a resonation that makes time travel possible under certain conditions. Then a screen, computer terminals, three couches that are self cleaning, and a library with every book is in the craft. At the far wall of the craft inside, opposite to the door is another door to a VR room. It looks like winding hallways inside, but when you turn around and go back, the exit is there and you walk back into the main area within the craft. Just because of the shape of the gomboc, which does function as a load and store machine when built with the correct materials, but the only function is to display sex holograms of a male and female human being. There aren't other things this gomboc can do, other than make holograms and load and store locations, and opening and locking the automatic door. When you input a location into a computer and store it in a simulation of the gomboc shape within the craft, the gomboc shape allows it to store a huge electro magnetic gravitic charge that is like an simpler gomboc, which is the result charge of the frequency of the craft's shape of resonating gravitic charge. Then when the craft instantly reaches full charge, the frequency of the spaceship pulls under itself under, over and around all the particles of time that are disorganized. The particles that are disorganized have been affected by a force greater than them. With a peaceful universe, a machine would be needed to power the craft with electro magnetic gravitic fusion of water, otherwise there is enough resonant energy from black holes to power this ship.

Now in Maya, some call it a universe, there aren't any black holes, or dark matter.