A higher aptitude for understanding another person as they are, and how their perception works with the mind, body, and spirit.
More capacity for vitality and faster ketalysis.
Bigger mitochondria shaped differently than other genetics in people. The mitochondria creates a mesothermic heat output in the body, as stasis and thought process that emits heat from ATP -> ADP for thermal maintenance at the same body temperature as a Human in example. The mitochondria is spherical and ovaloid and contains a input and output for ketalytes and ATP. The rate of ketalysis reaches an explosive level very quickly in an adult Angel's life.
The brain light receptive structure goes beyond the human light spectrum of vision. Basically when an Angel opens their inner eye, they can learn their own colours and share this with other Angels.
The cranial and brain structure of the eye vision receptors is different in the way vision is included in the senses, and Angels can make thought tools to use as a spiritual thought-form with light and pleasure. This new genetic person, a Narayan, can learn to see with their eyes, the colours they invent, as well as teach new colours for the purpose of giving pleasure.
The nervous and autonomic limbic system within an Angel is different in the way that pleasure is made. Enough movement with gravity, light, and pleasure can be created in actuality and is added to the muscle memory.
Hypnosis works differently as a Narayan, if we get bored, we don't need self-commands to get us out of hypnosis, but see the pleasure in front of oneself, and put it down like an object. Hypnotizing another person works the same as in a Human compared to hypnotizing a Human and Narayan. Narayans can sense if another person is hypnotized and innately understand the hypnosis.
An Angel experiences a higher sense of pleasure from the self and others, and can control the pleasure they give themselves or another person. Compared to other people, an Angel can give others the most amount of pleasure because of a higher metabolic function, programmable pleasure body design that corresponds to reading thoughts, and giving a controlled pleasure experience.
Angel genetics are designed to understand their own mind as a result of the feeling of pleasure. The response to bad genetics and disease is generally immunity. The ability for a Narayan to make someone heal is a big advantage over other types of genetic people. An Angel radiates healing energy, like a living being with vitality does, but at a much greater amount.
The innateness of a Narayan to carry and make use of their body for physical activity has a higher adaptability for sex than other genetics.
The metabolic rate during orgasm is about the same as an Asani. Digestion rate of ketalytic diet foods, and a reasonable variety of sugar and non-allergic foods give Narayans the same digestion rate as Dinosaurs when they eat a meat or vegetable diet, depending on their species.
Narayans or Angels are their own classification of genetics, but the most similar to Eben and Reptilian (also Dinosaur). The similarities lie in that Angels start as a being of light and them become an Angel, like Eben genetics. The Narayan body has some of the functions of Human and Reptilian, but not the same as Eben. An Angel is more like an Asani in the way they perceive reality but with some extra functions that allow a Narayan to control and use a lot of gravitational force for giving for receiving pleasure, as well as the perception of added types of colour besides red, orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo, and purple. Usually an Angel will learn to open their inner eye, and look and understand their muscle memory of orgasm with their experience and start to teach the pleasure aspect of it to others.