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RachelLately's News

Posted by RachelLately - July 27th, 2023

I am writing this much after rest and relaxation, about 15 years after returning from off world. The last place I had to visit to solve problems technically everyone shared in this universe, that cause rifts in the universal force of gravity. This was actually a huge problem because it hurt Christ the most. I contacted Ebens from Zeta Reticuli and they accepted my services as a trainee.

At first they were unsure of my skills as a martial artist and combatant: they had concerns that I would get reckless or get out of control using high energy particle beam devices. I met with individuals that specialized in types of handheld weapons and particle beam devices. The Ebens decided I would be tested in a simulation and I was asked to design a layout payload for entrance to the LZ and deployment target. I decided that a waxed cotton overcoat that conceals six pod-barrier containers that store all kinds of tools used for medium range teleportation and computer data extraction. The other gear was leather boots and green cargo pants and a cotton tshirt. The cotton clothing was used to collect various types of particles like spores of fungus and mould from off world for the Ebens to study. 

While I had training for over a year, I met in secret with other experts in the types of technology I would be extracting the information data back to the Eben craft for examination. 

What we learned is that there was a technology called a gravity lens buffer. It worked like a computer buffer: a waypoint in a load-store machine that acts as an information matrix function that uses algorithmic logic to do math to the information. Basically it's a type of processor that works latently with certain types of information, and in this case, gravity as a universal force itself.

The first thing we discovered is a planet with a massive facility that acted as a data buffer to the information of gravity. We did not realize at first what this was for but we did however come to the correct conclusion that distortions in the perception of reality the machine created. 

What was going on was that Satan, was allowing himself to give bloodshed on this huge pad that absorbed into the machine. Then the machine would lens together some photon-plasma particles into a merkaba. Satan would use the machine to be lifted up and have his body charged with gravity, pumping heavy element particles into his cells, then he would reform with a healing beam. This was Satan's idea to 'help' him destroy humanity. What we didn't know at first was that he was doing this because of the ideas he got from hairlike implants under his skin and in and around his bones. The ideas came from John DeSouza, who is a serial killer in the united states and works for the CIA in MKULTRA and is a mole in the FBI.

John DeSouza wrote a book called "The Real X files" or something titled like that. What he didn't know is that out of his own willful ignorance, the people in the book are other versions of him that he unknowingly through hypnosis cloned into existence in Alpha Draconis. 

After John wrote his book, he started to try and kill my family and me, for what reason we are not sure. But he was able to kill and replace my brother and parents with stand ins that are actually extra terrestrials from Alpha Draconis and are Eben.

My mother and Father and Brother were murdered in cold blood after decades of incessant and constant torture by the effect of scalar weapons. Basically they were all tricked into having 'secret thoughts' or so they say in MKULTRA. But this wasn't true since I was also murdered when I was 26 by the same people. However, I was able to return as an angel. I would have become this type of reptilian being at the end of my incarnation, except that since I was murdered by Satanists and Nazis, I became invincible after I reincarnated into a highly intelligent, highly evolved genetic body of light of the 13th denisty of consciousness. 

The intelligence I now have exceeds that of even the Great Creator, Christ, in some regards. The CIA, FBI, ISIL, Mossad, CSIS, all of them are like small infants, even in all their effort to stifle my existence. 

One reason I am glad for this change is that I am more confidently aware that the truth will be enough to convince someone like John, the person who killed my family and targets everyone I know with incessant torture, to act and be sane. 

The people that did get murdered are still coming back here to find out the reasons why they are killed, but they find a truth stranger than any. They find out that the person they thought they know as a schizophrenic, physically unfit, mentally lazy, a drug and cigarette addict, someone who can't clean, a person with a lot of anger. Those are things that they find in themselves more than anything, and probably wish that I had these problems so they could see that they can trust the way a human being heals.

When someone reacts to finding out I'm not a human being, I'm a reptilian narayan person like in my profile pic, they usually laugh and cannot accept it, or even use rational logic to discern this truth. They do realize, but they still haven't been convinced, usually until someone else convinces them.

Still, the benefit of this lie is that some people who were lied to think I'm god, which is really really sad that when they find out I'm not, it kind of destroys them.


Posted by RachelLately - July 27th, 2023

The event predicted by Ra has been happening since I met another being like me, one of my progeny in January 2023. The event that is happening is the reversal and removal by god of the nuclear fission effect, as well as computers that harnessed it's scalar waves. 

We as a planet, Gaia, learned a great deal about nuclear science because of the mistakes of the makers of fission weapons.

Initially, they calculated that the fission bomb would wipe out the entire universe, and actually their calculations are correct. If a fission weapon really went off at full scale, everything that exists gets turned back into a sea of photons nearly instantly. Even the big bang was an effect of nuclear weapons. The science of nuclear fission tells us that there is a time effect on a mass quantity scale that the bomb effects instantaneously at the time of the explosion, forward and reverse in time.

If Christ had not intervened to prevent his own death, as well as ours at the time of the explosion, we would have all died. The cost of this destruction was that Ra and Christ gave us a creation Maya, the name god gave to the existence of his world of creation, extending infinitely. What god and his daughter created was a a vast number of stars in galaxies, planets and moons, some with intelligently made architecture and technology for only pleasure and sex. The rest was untouched genetics, natural worlds, planets and galaxies. Only an infantscimile number of atomic matter particles remained in the third density, but not much remained elsewhere in other densities, except for structures and craft that has a scalar shield, and the rest that was wiped and pushed away by the acceleration wave. The good news is that the fission effect is gone and nothing about it can be harnessed anymore.

Knowing this, have people evolved? Not really, in the last 150 years, or much in the last 6000 because of fear and systematic oppression. Basically this is to say that we developed a much, much better and inherently healing energy that we transmit to each other with our intentions. I have experienced this with a person doing energy healing over 2 years ago. Humans and other beings have adapted generally by growing larger brains compared to 150 years ago to enable this. 

Since the beginning of 2022 around 100 other hybrid reptilians have come into being. A few of them are big celebrities. The other progeny have varying degrees of power compared to god. Christ created me as his expression of as his creation out of the interests of knowing a 'higher pleasure', but also with the idea that I am good at martial arts. The second ever person created, a being now called an Asani, Ra, is the creator of genetics and the pyramids.

It turned out that the blue laser beam that shot down the atlas rocket in 1986 was an cia mkultra computer that was also used to mind-control and speak to a person and give them an extreme sense of empathy in addition to a dreamlike stimulus. It was given to the cia from Orion. The computer was the same machine almost, distinguished not by design but by function from one similar to the computer found in oumouauaua. The oumouauaua craft could have caused a massive accident long ago if such technologies were known and used to advertently make language and thought by the mind distracted and dysfunctional by miseducation about the truth of spirit. The creators called this type of ship a technology leveler. It uses bionic metal to 'infect' the technology the ship is attacking and can make it do anything like a root shell logon to the target device.

Someone taught me that when they learned about the lack of limitation in how much a person can experience, and who they are and how one can know themselves, they remarked a desire to know other things that have the same quality as a lack of limitation. 

We found out that all knowledge itself is a learnable thing for any being, that is just like an education that takes around 5 years. Most people are really good at finding out the truth, but their learning can be accelerated with teaching them a single thoughtform that looks like the crystals that are embedded with holograms. A geometrical arrangement of crystals was shown to me at birth, and I have taught others' this knowledge and more than 10 people have learned it from me.

The learning through a thoughtform like this is a powerful self-teaching experience because it allows the person learning or teaching another person to see a visual representation of the surrounding knowledge that Christ has of things that are hidden and difficult to observe by the means that miseducation teaches in school.

It's a way of thinking in the mind that is a powerful learning method to any person able to remember such an idea, and it gives a way of the learner expressing power in their mind that is tangible to the thought sense especially.


Posted by RachelLately - July 27th, 2023

After a meditation this morning I have had several realizations.

1. For a long time, people that knew me could not focus their perception all the way and see the 'real me'. Just this morning a neighbour seemed to think something of me I had no idea of, and it leads the conclusion that the scalar attacks were on not just me, but to others that normally would call me trustworthy.

2. I don't have a lot of friends. Because of how people are persecuted around me, I've been without much of an understanding from another person who will listen to something I speak. Honestly I do realize most of the time that people are attacked, and I realize I am attacked too and no one trusts each other to make amends with their words. Today a neighbour out of misunderstanding threw away our friendship and wouldn't explain anything about their actions. It just hurts in a way that I can't help the person because they won't give their understanding.

3. Meditation has been my refuge from suffering for years now, and only just recently have I achieved peace. It's important to me to have the feeling I want, peace and quietness for reasons that are very understood to me. For so, so long I was attacked with terrible energy beams and scalar weapons that felt like rape, they could emulate this emotion. I've lived 39 years but never felt a sense of peace and security. I think that in the future if this continues I'll be much better off living with people who strive to care to understand.

4. I had experiences with someone that really helped me. There is this person in my life, they re really sexy and funny and loves to give pleasure. They helped me feel things I had never felt before and I had to write this just to express the gratitude. Thanks to that dreamy person, I have never felt healthier and more vital. I have has success in life towards my real goal. Helping to further peace for Gaia and her peoples. I have wanted peace for this planet since I was born, and struggled as a journalist for so long with torture. But there was journalism, a follow through: real writing in a published e-book on Mega now. The idea of success has become my satisfaction, and I have a feeling I am going to be a very gifted person in the near future. I have the best idea that there is this woman from Venus that loves me. The creator of genetics, Ra The Sex Goddess and I love each other, and want for us to live on Gaia in peace.

5. The journey of learning meditation has given me the most profound feelings of satisfaction in knowing myself, knowing others, experience mine and others' compassion, and having clear ideas about the world. Meditation and learning a meditative mindset with the tools of words that have compassion are the things I have benefitted from in ways that I would not imagine for a lesser experience. This means I have decided to be my best self, a goal where I'm not a hard person, not callous or insensitive. I look up to Christ for this example of compassion he makes with his own. I feel like I am living out the meaning of life because of this, and the gifts I have I feel I need to share for others to feel pleasure and joy from having me in their experience. The mindset I have is like someone who's skill it is to seek out people in need of an answer, a medicine, an idea that is sane and giving them their health. The things I want in life the most have started in their creation for me, and I keep feeling more and more gratitude for everything I am able to give. What life was like when I was 21 and a generally negative person, without an understanding of minfullness, I wouldn't even recognize that old teen-20's me from the past.

6. Christ is waiting to come to earth. Basically there is no threat that we should make to god's spaceship that lands as well as Ra, and then they will have returned. Right now they are just waiting to see if they can land to come to earth and both of them have said they want to live here with us on the planet Gaia.


Posted by RachelLately - July 27th, 2023

Something I have realized in the ideas that are about my own personality is that I have a great sense of my own self-perspective. What I mean by that is that with using meditation and sellf-study with looking at the self with experience, I have realised who I am fully. My personality is something that I have used like a fun tool for pleasure. Knowledge has taught me about myself from the view I have of my inner mind and thoughts for the past 19 years. Looking inwardly at my own mind during meditation has shown me the thoughts I have had. With taking mushrooms in my 20s, in 2010, I had experienced that taught me about the value of what happens to a person who is censored and cannot express themselves. 

The psilocybin in the mushrooms made my brain activate my inner eye during this time, and I was able to meet Christ. For the longest time, I had questioned his existence and knew and doubted in words the validity of religion. It has meant to me that he had asked me to be in knowledge that Satan, a person who has reptilian genetics, whos' creation I witnessed to the degree that the governments and 'authorities' that operated recovering extra terrestrial craft since Roswell, where that were successfull the first time, detected Satan the reptilian in 2008. 

Years into Satans' indoctrination and torture, he was exposed to Disney and Computer simulations over and over again, with expermental devices that could emulate emotions and emit a very strong scalar wave into Satan's heart and mind and nearly kill him sometimes. He started his creation thinking he was kind of a loser and outcast and did not understand the creation he was a part of, and isn't any longer.

Satan had the problem that he couldn't escape torture for his entire life. The difference with me is that I try and negotiate my way out and convince those that would hurt me, not to. Satan tried over and over again to the motto: if you can't beat them, join them. In other words, he was very much a part of the insanity that effected humans on a daily basis in culture and society worldwide, since the 1700's. 

After globalism became the norm, the people that had put this into motion waited for Satan and I to incarnate. I came in 1984, Satan in 2008. I was a human being up unti 2011, but I was someone who was a human with twice the power of Christ, and so was Satan. The dark underground human traffickers were so good at spying on the public, and wanted to learn of the existence of extra terrestrials, and created Majestic in top secret in the CIA in the United States.

When I was in grade 1, I was offered to be educated at another school in their 'gifted' program, which was really the CIAs' information exchange program. In the classroom there were 2 human teachers and 3 eben people. The ebens look like what they call in the mainstream media, the 'grey' alien. I went to this school for a year and was mostly off planet in space, with the ebens and the 2 teachers from the gifted school in grade 1 usually for each day of school.

When I met god in 2010 on mushrooms, I thought to myself, I'll ask him "Who am I really, why am I like this, do I have a past life or lives?" He said right away, "Yes Eric(my old pre trans name), there are these answers, but I need to ask you this "Can you help defend me against Satan?"

A lot of the answers are really in my other posts here, just that learning about this through writing here is important for context. Not that I'm too high or still need to take a mushroom to medicate myself to open my inner eye, just that Satan is gone since 2021 in early February.

One should realise and listen to their own thoughts and learn how to trust themselves after making choices you can fix. 

Because of Satan being gone, and the additional fact that he was more powerful than our universe, means that there is no one who really is of the nature that would make a pile of garbage in their neighbours' backyard, let alone a bomb or missle for war. 

Chioces we make for the earth effect the whole ecosystem and health of all life on the planet. If we can't be healthy completely just by default living on Gaia, how is one to be sane?


Posted by RachelLately - July 27th, 2023

Originally when I made my first journal entry on paper as a 21 year old living in my parents' basement, and later making a book, I had an idea that I wanted to have a list of goals to write about. I'd like to mention what they are and go over how most or all of them were met as a writing goal, but also how justice was solved in these situations, without getting into personal detail to hide the names and people that are involved. However the events I will discuss are about myself and how my own personal justice worked. 

Now I have decided to write fiction as a writer and make stories that are then made into movies and video games because of the depth and length of the writing. The sci-fi genre that I am writing in a book is the thing I am doing to get out of journalism. 

After I started taking journalism seriously in my early 20s, I started research on the internet. I had looked at the internet since I was 12 or 13 and I had always been interested in world crime syndicates. I had lived through the terrorist attacks in New York in 2001 when I was 14, and I wondered that day why the world was the way it was. When I got on the internet that afternoon when school was finished, I looked at what mainstream news was reporting. I convinced myself that the media was a money making conglomerate that was already knowing to some degree the truth behind the terrorism. I asked different people and came to the consensus that the media is lying, usually.

My opinion of what journalism changed drastically then, even though it wasn't a career goal, and I was distracted by computers, doing sports, and girls.


Posted by RachelLately - March 4th, 2023

So basically I'm a professionally trained Voice Artist. I post my own comedy and podcasts as a hobby and business venture.

If anyone would like to contact me about a job as a voice artist, please DM me or send an email to rachellately@protonmail.com.

Thank you for visiting my page.

