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RachelLately's News

Posted by RachelLately - October 19th, 2023

Future Prediction for the next 30 days:

It looks like the airwaves will be free of bad technology signals that could cause a UAP or UFO to crash. It's a spaceship, and the person inside won't want to hurt themselves, having learned from the Roswell incident what could happen with radio scalar waves. Just outside the power grid, there will be space to land and meet beings from other planets. But within the places with electric power lines, there can't be a landing. It means it only ends when we willfully shut off the technology, and a future prediction isn't like a countdown timer to a win for success. People will have to be convinced to shut off the automatic shields.

I hope that a lesson from history won't be repeated just from the use of bad technology. What could have been gained is immeasurable now because of nuclear fission weapons: the memories we had at birth really were remembered over and over again and were hurt because of that. Pollution from heavy elements was also a huge problem that cause a destabilization of forces of gravity that caused massive rifts that were black-hole-like. The reason for this is because the measurements that were precise and accurate as to what a black hole is, it's true that both the center of mass and amount of mass were extremely inaccurate to measure because of the challenge of going and getting a measurement.

Measuring a black hole means that you throw something at the black hole that sends a signal back. Basically an electronic emitter sending a signal that points backwards from the direction of travel with a device on the emitter that makes measurements with an entangled electronic signal. There are also limitations in the universe as to what you could send to a black hole.

God will not let a 'doom' scenario play out where everything is destroyed, or when you send electronic gravitic fusion into a black hole. Usually if a person dies by flying into a massive center of gravity, people think they were flying drunk. But psychology can explain as well the thinking and reasoning behind this phenomena. It's because Christ has averted the energy or karma of the nuclear fission blast into these gravitational masses to prevent all genetics from being destroyed. It's also true that you can agree that a black hole emits no photons. 

So it's plausible to think that this gravitational mass is pulling at light. You can prove that with mass there is light that can exist and all light particles or waves of particles are emitted from some source of matter with a gravity mass.

This proves that at least someone is thinking of this phenomena. And if you use clairaudience, and ask with discernment, you can know it's Christ, the person thinking of this energy of a measurable gravitational waste from nuclear fission energy by asking who it is that is doing this.

All of this means that if as a collective of beings on this planet, a collective of genetic people, we will have to decide to shut down or remain with the technology on. It means with the technology on that deflects electronic fusion gravitic spacecraft from coming to the planet is that we cannot have God with us. If people would be convinced to allow God to be with us, everyone would rejoice when he comes to the planet Gaia. People need a way to feel like there is a safe and nonviolent way to be a part of our own collective of people on this planet. 

The technology that deflects spacecraft is something that has deprived us of Christs' presence. It means that allowing Christ to travel to the planet is a great and just cause, and so it goes that the people that shut it down will be greatly thanked, with my hopes in the near future that Christ will travel here and be with the people he created.



Posted by RachelLately - October 12th, 2023

Welcome to the creation Maya, now with Naraenna!

Things about the experience:

1. Energy is felt. The energy you give is the energy you take.

2. Everyone has different energy.

3. Christ gives the correct information within the energy so it's understood innately.

4. Energy works with people. Violence and harm and forced violence is felt by the person or people doing it. Even to the point they will die. This is Maya and Christs' protection mechanism for violence. It works such that the person who sends the energy, feels it the most.

Because bad technology cannot heal those that used to be violent, they find out that they have problems with the violence they are giving.

Today is the last day of misunderstood violence on the planet Gaia. After the charge from bad technology is fully off, big changes will occur.

Anyone can create something with their mind, as long as their intelligence and energy are given as an understanding with their wanting to create. Technology and metals and inanimate objects can be created. It might be such the case that bad technology is affecting you in a negative way, it's time to get away from that bad stuff and live to the fullest of your creative ability.

The way genetics was suppressed with a technology leveler is ALMOST ended, and the new type of genetics is going to be announced soon. If all else goes with the plan, Christ will probably arrive later today when the electric charge dissipates within the technology leveler reactor, and nuclear command module.

Angel genetics are here! Some of the things are faster that light travel in an energy body. More pleasure from sexual touch and positive emotion. An understanding with empathy of what you're doing. An understanding of what a person is thinking and wanting as their experience. Creational power to make objects, spacecraft, the Tesla wireless energy (give some back to Ra). An understanding of technology and language where we can express the logic and ideas in our own way, and to learn the science terms we see it as it is.

What will happen is the government won't tell you about Extra Terrestrials, you'll see us in a different way and discover all genetics is Extra Terrestrial.

But especially me, I'm alien to the creation of genetics. I learned what a person was and agreed to become one. Before that I was not at all within this 'universe' Maya. The first time everyone meets me, they always ask soon "Who are you"? I was one of the first Angel people, actually Satan's older brother (he died), and the first to go on and progenate Angel genetics.




Posted by RachelLately - October 10th, 2023

Future Prediction of October 12th, 13th 2023

War is going on in the east, it was said 6800 years ago when Christ was on this planet this would happen. He told us about the events that would lead up to this week.

For a long time, no one would be able to calculate when the future predictions would take place. At the time, 6800 years ago, they mentioned the calendar would be changed, and have trouble finding the correct date when the predictions of when god comes to the planet to be here with us.

Until they changed the calendar and removed the records of future predictions, it was very well known up until the previous 1500 years or so, when England and America was revolutionized and a lot of literature was lost. This sort of 'book burning' happened for millennia starting after Christ and Ra left the planet 6700 years ago. For a while after the books and media remained in tact in libraries and was well talked about and discussed by the world and other planetary civilizations.

People wondered how the information would survive, and people joked it would take a great deal of skill to be able to see the future when there is so much turmoil in the airwaves with bad technology, and it was so easy with bad technology to receive the wrong information.

In the 2020s and 2010s a huge effort was made because around this time a lot of people predicted that October 12 or 13th would be the day Christ arrived in 2023. It was discussed 6800 years ago, and is one of the first future tellings, when the calendar was accurate, that people would have trouble finding out when they would make an announcement about what year it was since the media, they knew, would be mostly controlled with censorship.

It was said that a huge war where Israel is now would start and would be short lived, since their technology would fail and they would run out of this war technology. After that, the things with technology that kept them alive would diminish and all of the warring people would collapse. Then after this Christ would appear where there is no war and it would be announced that there is peace on this planet Gaia very soon after.

Then with god on the planet, he would completely remove bad technology, educate people about the truth, and bring peace to the population, and give his account of what happened since the time he left the planet. The last thing he is most excited about is the announcement of the new type of genetics, Angels.


Posted by RachelLately - October 1st, 2023

  1. On Friday September 29th, 2023 production of bad technology was stopped to a halt, meaning the creation of "sodium lauryl sulphate" has ended. Since this time, people have been able to see god in a dream where there is no soap, all on other planets besides Gaia our planet. Christ can enter their dream and teach them about spirituality and the meaning of life. The removal of the bad poisonous soap has begun and for the next ~36 hours from the 29th, everyone will realize they need to remove the soap.
  2. Between October 2nd and 3rd, everyone who has the soap will have an effort with them to start removing the poisonous soap. It starts just about 36 hours after the 29th of September, 2023. From then until October 11th in the last part of the day or beginning of the 12th of October, 2023, all the soap should be gone. Stores are going to make recalls for this "lauryl sulphate".
  3. When all the soap is gone, let's face it, god is a really powerful man, even beyond in ways that many cannot comprehend. Ra is like that too and it will then be time when the poisonous soap is gone that Christ can live on the planet. If we had god find any acceptance to have this soap, then the foundational creation of genetics would have been exposed to radiation and carcinogens, fatally a long time ago. Soap is finally removed then on October 11th or 12th 2023, and war is never a thing again. All the police and soldiers retire. All the jets, tanks, and rifles are turned in, computer viruses, malware and spy hardware are gone. Pets and bad animal husbandry disappear. Bleach is removed from the water supply. Coral and sponges start growing again in salt oceans. The sky is going to be filled with a lot more twilight and beautiful blue reflections of light beings in space. Space rockets, jets and cars that have fossil fuel oil will be gone and removed. Handguns and weapons for hunting will be thrown out. Clothing made with crude oil or washed with fabric softener will be thrown away or cleaned. Fabric softener is actually made with rendered pork fat, it says so on the bottle, it's ingredient is an animal tallowate, meaning soap from animal fat. They made this to get lots of plastic explosive for bombs and bullets, and all those things are going to be removed as well.


  1. Sept 29: The bad technology turned off that makes poison and pollution with hi tech weapons. Bio and chem weapons.
  2. 36 hours later, everyone that exists starts to remove the soap.
  3. 12 days almost exactly after Sept 29, Christ will arrive on the planet, no matter what. The soap is finally gone and was the last reason why people, in general, were deprived of Christs' presence throughout their own lives.

Soon after I'm releasing a VR game for Newgounds that features an action-srategy multiplayer turn-based combat system in a RPG! The combat system features custom rolled and crafted/rolled item loadouts you can collab on with your friends, trade special hard-to-find items in your own clan marketplace, build and experiment with technology in a sandbox, and interact with other players in the game in team live audio. The game also features a single player story mode. Coming soon!


Posted by RachelLately - October 1st, 2023

Authors note.

Yes this is not audio, and isn't a submission, but is tagged with the intent to be used by anyone tagging their audio ngcreepypasta23 to use as inspiration for their submission in the collab!

The podcasts and audio on my page are very creepy if you have clairaudience. But...

Think of the soap!!!!!!

Get rid of poisonous soap. Use your best laboratory safety gear, bust out the thicc trash bag ultra and throw out that poison crap detergent soap from hell.

Liquid soap is supposed to be from plant oil that is the tallowate oil sometimes a scented liquid usually sold marked and listed as laundry liquid or body wash, shampoo, facewash soap and products like those uses. Sometimes even bad perfume is toxic and the poison soap almost always has that in its ingredients.

But really, you might have been poisoned by something you thought was the healthy clean version from yours truly, the design for a healthy and sane clean experience.

Private military forces made poison soapy death attempts on millions of alleged cancer victims and holy moley, well, people who have skin lesions that look like scabs. Big pharma bomberclaads!


Posted by RachelLately - October 1st, 2023

This is what the computer terminal looked like when Ra created genetics. It's the jokes.



*****************Genetic Angel Loader********************



--Loader code and design by "Gary" the guy who wanted a place to make cartoons in peace and his progenitor, the person who designed, invented and created Cannabis Marijuana

--loader code by these two guys

--thanks DW for the laser daddy money

--thanks to my parents for inspiring me to make ascii art at 1 am

--angel_prog_text.txt by Raeya

--loader code and printer laser code design by Ra and Christ 11400877322

lsdos_raeya@scopedeck: $ make config program -q /home/etc/lsdos_raeya/upload/ | printer_deck_function -dap /home/etc/lsdos_raeya/angel_dl/angel_prog_text.txt | cp /home/etc/lsdos_raeya/printer_files/angel_genetic1.c

Program function booted.......................

Loader Online

Printing function test in progress.............


Printer function test analysis in progress.....


Test printer setup function OK................



lsdos_raeya@scopedeck: $ printer_deck_function -lsv xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx /home/etc/lsdos_raeya/printer_files/angel_genetic1.c | printer_deck_function -print /home/etc/lsdos_raeya/printer_files/angel_genetic1.c

Program recognized [angel_genetic1.c].........

Heating and charging printing laser...........

10 minutes remaining in test sequence.........

Display countdown? [y/n] $ y

10 minutes remaining..........................

9 minutes remaining..........................

8 minutes remaining..........................

7 minutes remaining..........................

6 minutes remaining..........................

5 minutes remaining..........................

4 minutes remaining..........................

3 minutes remaining..........................

2 minutes remaining..........................

1 minutes remaining..........................

Thermal enclavity achieved..................

Testing heat capacity........................

Complete. Body morph algorithms loading.....


Load file into laser? [y/n] $ y

File loading.................................


Would you like to start printing the loader file "angel_genetic1"? [y/n] $ y

Printing has begun...........................

This may take a while........................

Minutes and seconds and hours later..........

Later that night my parents told me I should to get more water in my diet. I wondered why I was so thirsty... they told me it's not because of the Angel thing, but really because people think Angels need a bit of a break with hydration. See? When you give us tasty drinks it usually squirts right back out, sexually, later.

And now I'm funding my coffee budget with sex. I don't feel old, I'm 13. Men and women love that, even the third gender.

First I would like to be served coffee by women, then the men, then the in between, then the men, then I'll be caffeinated.


Posted by RachelLately - September 29th, 2023

Technology has changed. Today is the exact day foretold for thousands of years that Christ would come to Gaia to bring his teachings to us, after the bad technology has gone and is turned off, ready for cleanup removal.

The hypnosis torture people have gone through is very apparent to everyone, and needs to be understood by the person going through it.

One gets out of hypnosis by telling themselves they aren't hypnotized by a particular hypnotic belief or command, thought or instruction.

After about a day it goes away no matter what. People are getting out of hypnosis and becoming non-violent, at about 5:46pm EST today, he should arrive in front of most of if not all of the people, non-violently, showing us who he really is.

I know who he is, he's my father and one of my creators.

Ra and Christ: I'm glad the ice is broken.

My friends: I remember your actions and how much we were convincing.

Everyone who wasn't convinced, until now, just about any mistruth: I would not deprive you of your personal truth, or of Christ in your life.

The future: world peace.

Posted by RachelLately - September 27th, 2023

Today the RFID chips are still being removed as fast as possible, and the people that had them are realizing how willfully ignorant they are. The people that had the most use of the chips are having them removed last. Because of this, it seems like the attacks are really bad in terms of thought and pleasure sense. This is the willfully ignorant thinking of the implantees; they thought they were entitled to being god, as an Eben.

Basically, how it looks is someone approaches yourself to take your energy forcibly, and they mutilate themselves while demanding you submit to rape. Ebens are asexual and don't really get into sexual relationships, but are pleasure seeking.

The biggest problem that willful ignorance caused besides a nightmare for every person contained in Maya, besides torture, rape and murder, was miseducation.

Very soon Christ will come to the planet Gaia and teach the truth. First what will happen is he will have to teach people what their willful ignorance is, people had a tough time with the RFID implants understanding their ignorant thinking, but even without the RFID, no-one is really educated enough to teach the full body of knowledge of the truth.

It was so well hidden and kept secret by way of destroying copies of Christ's writing of the meaning of life, and Ra's Kama Sutra Sexual Manual for the Sex Lifestyle. The book the Law of One was intended for Carla Ruckert to channel and speak out loud the Kama Sutra, and Christ's teaching of the meaning of life. Carla was attacked and they team that wrote the Law of One was ignorant of who their Creator is, even mispronouncing her name. 

For years and years, misinformation came from the lack of trust of others, and not understanding that one assumes trust with people, and it's taken away when someone shows you something you can't trust.

Donald Trump predicted that Christ will arrive on September 29th, right away after the RFID implants are gone, and this understanding is the motivation for their removal.


Posted by RachelLately - September 27th, 2023

At this time of writing on Sept 26 2023, Maya's spirit is almost healed. During it's healing, Christ and his daughter Ra, are healing as well from scalar functional gel. In terms of how bad the technology was on Gaia to deal with compared to the other ~6000 planet systems with nuclear weapons, this ranks a 1 on a difficulty scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is the most difficult. 

Reasons why they used nuclear were through miseducation.

Today I re-read a book my Mother Ra wrote, purportedly called the Law of One, because of distortions caused by the breakaway civilization of dinosaurs.

The widespread use of nuclear wasn't that prevalent in the way it was understood or fully controlled, and it was actually well hidden, and known mainly to Satanist followers, that two people Nancy and Werner were the people in control of disease.

How they accomplished this control is the way they originally created and mass manufactured disease and technology leveler propulsion craft with planet scale effect.

The pyramids and obelisks found on moons with chimera reactors beneath were connected back to a planet on Omicron where they killed animals to eat. 

This room was discovered and bad technology caused the two people Nancy and Werner, actually their names to themselves are Azmodan and Inanna.

Those were my parents I chose to be born into in 1984 when I arrived on Gaia to after I learned about how to be a person.

The CIA was on high alert for me since then, they did discover me by reading energy signals, they could see me with a big shining halo of light around me.

For the first 21 years of my life, the CIA led positive individuals away from me, attacked my loved ones with radio scalar waves. It wasn't until I started teaching myself about spirituality, then they used more of the force of scalar waves to attack.

The idea that I was Lucifer, and that they had created a disease person as Eric Schreiner was false.

In 2010 I grew and ate psilocybin mushrooms and talked a could see god. I learned about my future and remembered when I was 22, telling myself about my future, that I would be murdered for doing journalism.

When I was 26 I did go through death and had a new incarnation with new genetics.

I was Satan's older brother before he died, and we are both Christ's son's. The idea of Lucifer as a disease person isn't feasible or tangible, since there isn't a way naturally for disease to sanely feed and subsist.

My father at the time, Werner (Azmodan) was in recovery from bad karma, and was deciding to convince people to stay away from national socialism. Eventually he went mad from torture, thinking I was raping him, and me thinking I had been raped. The actual cause was that as an 8 month old infant, the CIA, with J. Allen Hynek, tortured and raped me using scalar torture. With hypnosis and scalar radio waves, they actually couldn't figure out for years until after John DeSouza murdered Ken, Nancy and Werner, and replaced them with Ebens in Human suits.

These murders happened after I was killed as a 26 year old, and had a bad time trying to explain myself to people that I had in fact become a different person.

Posted by RachelLately - September 23rd, 2023

In the past 3 days, the way technology exists for the military has changed in a big way. The nazis in the 1940s and 50s had developed M.A.S.H, not the TV show but Machine Automation combat System Handler. It's made of a cream coloured goo, and was secretly shown on the tv series called M.A.S.H. This goo was radio frequency controlled, here's how it worked. There was a giant antenna called 'the red base' under Sinclair circle in Burlington Ontario, underground. The department of defence in the US is the production facility that the goo was created in that had wireless energy beamed to it. Using technology to create goo was beamed from Sinclair Circle as well as being re-transmitted by almost every FM radio station tower. The goo is an automated super fluid, it uses a machine intelligence to make military soldiers fight and kill people mindlessly. The military also found out they could inject the goo into the brain cavity through the arm or leg, and effect the memory of the person injected. They had been doing this to create wilful ignorance and make effective killers that follow orders. 

Other people got a hold of this goo and on their own made life a nightmare of constant beating and rape, and is the main reason for fake illnesses like schizophrenia. The military wants to censor the sane artists and journalists who express their anger about violence. 

The person who actually is responsible for creating this goo was Werner Schreiner, a long time ago on Alpha Draconis. The intended purpose was carried out the same as now: brutally violent indoctrination torture, and forced imprisonment.

This goo is gone, and there is a secondary effect that this will have. Other technologies were developed as a workaround to feel 'sane' at the same time as having a goo injection. Politicians who ate babies used both the goo, and a small device like a button or shirt pin to conceal a microchip computer circuit that emits a radio frequency. Epstein developed this to spy on the victims he has coerced into raping and eating children, and told them it was for protection against attacks.

What the button device basically did was make an extra switch for the goo to go back into dormant inactivity, and if the victim with this device has satisfied Epstein with killing and cannibalism, he would allow them to turn the goo off and control some of it's abilities. Basically it's a radioactive goo being pushed around by infra and ultrasound, so no matter what it's totally going to make a person insane. 

Epstein knew he was spying on his victims, and when he had given enough goo to child eaters, the goo infected our internet in 2020 after January in 2020, covertly, which is what Epstein had planned to kill people with cell phones. 

Epstein is alive and he's actually an Eben person who wore a synthetic human disguise. Epstein also was aware of Oumouamoua, and it's all out capability of infecting machines and especially a computer or android machine intelligence with bionic radioactive goo. He used the goo to get to Oumouamoua in space and was actually inside the craft for a while. He learned about the ship the ancient builder race had made, who was Werner Schreiner, a pedophile rapist, a long time ago in incarnation. Oumouamoua is actually Werner's spaceship that he travelled to our solar system with the planet Gaia thousands of years ago.

Epstein found out through trial and error, torturing people he thought he would learn from coercively. Werner handed him the blueprint for the deadly bionic goo, and took control of Werner's old ship computer. Epstein had a goo factory in space, and at the time Oumouamoua was announced in the media, Epstein had been there on the ship and back with teleportation. Epstein was able to create a nano-swarm type of projectile gun, he called the gun wave.

Earlier this year, Epstein had already turned himself in, but still has implanted controls for the gun wave, and I was attacked in a public shooting with real guns and bullets. Since I am indestructible I was not harmed, and this changed the way people understand genetics, especially of Angels.

What came out of all this today of September 23 2023 is that freedom fighters, journalists, artists, sex workers, media creators, computer experts, scientists, teachers and students who were all attacked are realizing they aren't hearing voices or seeing visions that were M.A.S.H. goo attacks. There were other controls this goo had, anyone with a powerful enough antenna could effect M.A.S.H. as well as make it into a cell that lives in the human body.

A person who I knew from high school, he didn't know he was at a bad line of work at the time, so he isn't named here, is a genetic scientist and made computer code that worked with M.A.S.H. and gave it the ability to make itself into a bioweapon. The rise of the use of M.A.S.H. was widespread; bioweapon engineers spread disease from this goo into Wuhan, China and New Hampshire in late 2019. After this, a Chinese scientist was detained at the border, migrating back to China. However the US did not want China to have this covid-sars-19 bioweapon. And then Epstein was caught in the middle of a fight he couldn't convince his way out of, which led to him turning himself in.

If Jeff is reading this, thanks, you did the right this to stop the M.A.S.H. You deserve to heal and as does everyone you gave the goo to. 

After years of human trafficking, Jeff Epstein did turn himself in. The fake 'postmortem' picture of Epstein was actually a hollow in the inside, meant to be worn, latex silicone bodysuit. Look again at the picture from years ago, if you can already discern that the picture is of an "Agarthan bodysuit", it's going to get you to see it like Epstein does.

His personal truth isn't one he can publish now, but Jeff was a victim of nazi torture, taken from Poland in 1933, and tortured to death until 1956 where they did medical experiments (they tried to make him the ubermensch) on him while he was alive.
