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RachelLately's News

Posted by RachelLately - October 26th, 2024

If ever you've read an article about war, you've seen the mainstream media playing off human atrocity as a method of funding it's own drive: to use words that play into the psyche. People that profit from war are now getting the message from the sun and the technology it's used to harness, that no longer will energy be out of balance for too long. New things are happening with the sun; it's taking it's time, but you can see a different picture of events in the night sky.

The mainstream reports aurora borealis, night lights in the sky that are green radiation spiraling from the north and south due to solar maximum. David Wilcock is now reporting that the election will go on as normal in America and those that support the alliance of anti nuclear trustees are well defended by courts, as well as a growing layer of support from media outlets. Donald Trump is going after the corrupt media and making it tougher for them to misrepresent the truth, also to stop the cards of the cabal elite.

New things are also happening in nature, new insects are arriving from genetic changes from the central sun of our galaxy, Gaia, the planet we live on, Maya, and the sun Enna. Once Enna is disentangled from the nuclear machines that religious people use to have their experiences, then it is supposed that we will have new genetic abilities as well. Things in dreams we've experienced like flying, teleportation, remote viewing, remote speech, future insight etc. may become apparent to us.

Dreams are meant to teach us about ourselves and are powered by the suns and planets in our galaxy. Dreams come to us as a way of the brain being active at night and to have experiences we can learn from as well as perceive a group experience with planets and stars. For a long time, dreams were controlled by a nuclear machine: one that teaches religion, nationality as well as separatism, meaning a separateness of being. We each have our own energy and it is brightly illuminated because of thinking in truth. We should believe that we are bright because of thoughts and consciousness.

In terms of new experiences I've had, when walking and spending time in nature, I was able to see Gaia working to create new types of insects all around me. It almost seemed like they wanted to crawl or fly up to me and check me out. New experiences like this with animals and people are coming in the near future, as soon as 2025.

What not to forget at this time is that while everything is going on like normal, the balance of powers of the world are changing. War is going on in the east, and an election is happening in America. With genetics starting to change and energy we receive as our karma changing its balance of power from the sun. We need to remember to stay centered and be peaceful and forgiving. Now is a time of great change for this planet, and we need to hang on to the positive aspects of things we know in order to succeed. It seems like not a lot is changing to the glancing eye, but look in the news and the sun is beaming at solar maximum, look on the ground and see new types of insects. Nostradamus predicted this event in December 2024 will be like a veil lifting, and to nuclear scientists it already has begun with it's detection. New galaxies are being discovered, and it's revealed that we are part of a universe that's extremely massive. What they discovered is that the number of galaxies is far greater than we imagined beforehand, an estimate made during the nuclear era.

Travellers from other worlds may visit us, since a lot of people were displaced into the Pleadies 5600 years ago that left on light ships. They are extremely advanced with genetics and science, they have an understanding that changes with science and do not believe in religion or nationality. They formed a galactic federation during war and successfully defended themselves against Orion. I was originally from Venus, travelled to earth, then took refuge in the Pleadies 5600 years ago, and here now, this is my first lifetime back on earth since a huge nuclear war.

The winding down process is known to the top individuals in the alliance and they have started to disseminate the truth about the dangers they face. It's a matter of time as to when all of these truths will be in the media, and hopefully we will share a peaceful world then.


Posted by RachelLately - October 9th, 2024

For such a long time, the narrative has been controlled by the establishment, be it the mainstream media, religion, politicians and governments. What I predict will happen is a freeing of computational resources by way of nuclear and satanic computers being shut down.

The Peoples Republic of China are behind this movement, Truth Socialers, fans of David Wilcock are with this movement, but might not have discovered that the future changes are soon. Within this year, shutdowns that are guided by the very beings that sustain life on this planet, stars, the plunae'a in other words, are making sure we don't self-destruct. The danger averted was a threat of all out war for 3 decades. Also we would have been under the control of a mass mind controlling system for that duration.

Right now I notice energy, or karma, is changing. Respect of individuals that try to subvert the natural way of things, war mongers, the controllers, people that take advantage of religion and false spirituality are not being respected. Perhaps if one diverts from mainstream thinking, one would find a peace withing the limits of universal energy with the planets, stars and people. I find this everyday and it has led me to creating a family with my male and female self. I am a success because I believed in a higher good, making use of my time to pursue such things that do lead to a greater effect of good for the planet. Will I be famous or celebrated? Probably not. But the success and energy of the planet I live on and share with everybody is the fruit of my successes.

Today I noticed that respect of the individual is changing, while I am away from the controlling mechanisms of the satanic computers. I see things changing because the conduit of energy is changing with regards to how we perceive energy on this planet.

What will come is that in December, probably on or near the 28th of 2024, our star will become free and unhooked from the nuclear satanic computers that are on this planet and are from Orion. When this happens, a huge planetary shift will go on, and we will perceive the sky differently. What has transpired so far is a winding down of energy, literally the entangled energy of the star we have near us is being set free from the trap of energy within a nuclear computer that emulates all types of false religion and spirituality.

It goes with saying that this is a long the lines of Plato's cave allegory, where a fire inside the mind, a nuclear fire that casts shadows on the wall, and it's inside a cave that has shackles: meant for the followers of scarcity or religion or war to be imprisoned by and kept falsely healed by the fire. Wanderers venture inside the cave, keeping a close mind to the truth, that the energy we put forth into effort, actions and words, are what gives forth energy that is really the truth. We the wanderers have journeyed for 5 thousand years to this proverbial cave where all types of oddities occur within the realm of the occult, and speak words of truth, that daylight is the truth, the energy of the mind is bright because we are each thinking beings that are illuminated because of thoughts, and not some occult ritual.

This era of when Plato's cave story was true will soon end, as per the instructions of the stars that guided Plato, great explorers, dreamers of all kinds. Just like Plato, I am convinced that it was crazy and insane in the cave, as people who believe the shadows cast by the fire and the shackles to be healing in the name of the most dire.

You too can break free of the shackles you have, the fire is a fading light, and the shackles are expanding and slipping off, casting prisoners into true illumination, the light of our creators, the stars, for us to see in plain sight.

Posted by RachelLately - September 20th, 2024

A useful device in writing refers to a house of cards but what does that actually mean? With regards to the computer systems that the military corporations such as Banks and 'big' anything used since industrialization is changing.

What it means to the consumer or the citizen or someone who's generally not involved with living behind closed doors making deals for the mass public is this: the way we perceive reality will change. How it affects us is that nuclear technology that came from Orion, an extraterrestrial world, is closing to a halt. The conduit of energy that normally comes from this thinking sun is changing its path to genetics at the same time as turning off this nuclear machine.

What this technology controller did for 5,667 years on the planet Earth is change the way computer technology is displayed in terms of thought computing. Normally a microchip is able to perceive the thoughts of its user and make a program that runs on the computer chip memory that the user controls fully. Some microchips are designed not just for computation but for security, so I'm guessing some people will realize their computers have a back door to agencies that spy on them. Unlike many other people, myself, I have channeled for thousands of hours these computers that were like a leveler; a technology controller given to us by Orion that put our technology that is terrestrial on a further level down then technology from Orion. It was their way of making war with us because of this: this planet has extremely good genetics. It produces the sexiest fantasy partners, the best food, and the best natural resources that comes from a sun and a planet. For thousands of years and even millions people have channeled the Sun and different suns around the universe in hopes of gaining knowledge of the future. Nostradamus was one of these people. If you look at the books that Nostradamus wrote he credits Enna with helping him predict the future. What Nostradamus did was predicted future around the time that I'm writing this. He says that this winding down process after nuclear controller - leveler is winding down takes 30 years but for some reason won't happen. In any case he did write about the circumstances of the timeline of a 30-year winding down. But because something that happened to me personally which was getting a job at a grocery store where technology had gone wrong because of nuclear forces doing things to this planet that are unspeakable to each other, basically for cannibalism, to enable that.

Something that came to my attention was a rock from outer space. I did throw the rock out and I'm sure that whoever has it is really studying it to the fullest. It was a piece of gold that came from thoughts that was laser machine into a glass molecule like a lattice. From my understanding the object that was gained from it was called a horror knife. This object was something that was coupled with the technology controller and was basically used for terrifying acts of torture on Orion and was generally stored and kept on Orion. The person or persons who designed this are from another world and the amount of technology that goes into a technology controller is almost unfathomable. It was designed to enact war. The way it did this was by healing and using electronic telelocation to center out someone doing a negative energetic or karmic act and healing them and 'making it better'. The star Gaia warned us that this will not go on forever. Nostradamus was interested in this and wrote All about it and his future predictions are the reason why we understand the future as it happens when it plays out in the current events today. Nostradamus wrote about how if there's no winding down for 30 years, everything is quickly returned to peace. I see in the media today Bill Gates is calling for a pandemic or war and it looks like there's lots of war going on in the world. It's important to remember that Nostradamus predicts that all along until this leveler is shut down completely which looks like the prediction is December 28th 2024 that everything goes along normally.

One part of what the leveler did is educate others for religion and create a 'religious reality'. It did everything it could in terms of controlling and leveling the technology below the technological level of Orion who was doing war to this planet to stop us from understanding science and genetics and how life works. It distracts and dissuades, indoctrinates, and misleads any person just on an automatic basis. It's up to the person the individual to know better and to teach people what Nostradamus called the way. In Nostradamus's books he recommended that we go to places of war and teach people the way. The way that Nostradamus talked about is the way of how science actually works and how life actually works in terms of reincarnation, genetic function, and what life is really like in the cosmos.

As we get closer to this event Nostradamus predicted like a curtain or veil coming up from our planet. But in reality he admits no one actually knows what will happen. But some things he did know that if there was no 30-year winding down in the timeline, then things would return to peace. I speculate personally that it will take people's word of mouth and experiences of the masses to generate a new type of society where gold is the currency standard and we return to the knowledge of science, and value education and the wealth of information that comes with a free internet that is planet wide and is something like what Nikola Tesla designed.

Posted by RachelLately - September 6th, 2024

It's that fall harvest season(a joke). Apples and pumpkins is not what I mean. It's something written about in "The Law of One" by Ruckert, McCarty and Elkins, a book that was channeled by these scientists in hopes of proving the existence of extra terrestrials. What I've learned about the harvest is that nuclear technology is used to arrest and congregate the best and brightest minds of history. I won't name names but I do mean the best, most influential people including writers, musicians, artists, singers, politicians, you name it, somebody like them is here. Their collective purpose throughout history was to shake things up, challenge ideas and to teach people the "old way". The hopi indians talked about this way as a way of plant medicine, the way science and genetics works, and the way we are meant to have technology and tools to use as our way of life as Asani, Aryan, or now Narayan. The new type of genetics here at the locus of the harvest is something they don't realize, as they are just making money from big pharmaceuticals and subsidized tax money from the government.

What's it really like here? It's boring. They keep these people in jails and institutions to be away from medicine that they give away and to study us for money. Nazis in the 1930's knew that the harvest would fail and they did mean eugenics. In the Law of One, which supposedly is channeled from a being named Ra (said like 'raw'). What they did not realise is that there is no being Ra, per se. They tried to channel on this planet Maya, where a powerful weapon is present. If they had prior knowledge that they would have liked to channel Nera, they might have had more success. Nera, who changed her name from Ra (like ray), is the inventor and creator of genetics. She was in a university type of school 4.5 million years ago during the flourishing of science. She came from the planet Venus as a being of light with the same mind, but the planet Venus actually calls itself Ra, and doesn't mean the Egyptian sungod.

In the 1960's we as a group of creators travelled during a third wave of migration to this planet from places all over, where we were previously displaced by war. We arrived at Billy Meier's plot of land, and tried to disclose science to him. He seemed to understand a bit, but more or less, he was far too hypnotized to really grasp at how our way of thinking came out of our words. In other words, he argued with us and took pictures of us but this effort was sabotaged and he was dragged around by namesake in the media.

As a group off friends who approached Billy, we tried to make it known how we are on a personal level, and it mostly failed on the basis that the media never really spoke Billy's message, or that we as people were not revealed, nor was our message of science and stance against religion. At the same time in the 1960's while we were with Billy, Ruckert, Elkins and, McCarty were channeling the nuclear weapon that distorts war into a healing effect, it makes possible all types of religious and warlike actions. From this, the Law of One was written, and is something that has overshadowed our effort with Billy's contact in a big way.

Instead of asking people to believe in science as truth, the prevalence of technology and animal equality for food, planetary wireless power and internet, instead we see a huge number of people dissuaded by the harvest mentioned in the Law of One. It's become popular among UFO believers and theorists that the Law of One is a trustworthy book meant to include the truth about genetics extra terrestrials and science and genetics. In reality, Billy's channeling was as effected by this nuclear weapon as well as Ruckert. Meaning it's up to the individual to realize the truth of nature and about reincarnation and fairness use of technology and plant medicine. It's why a mass proportion lives in the bush and relies on hunting and gathering. They know about people from space, and wonder when the creators are coming back to this planet for them to have an education about science.

Posted by RachelLately - August 29th, 2024

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the worldwide shutdowns. It's been an effort 5600 years in progress and was in my thoughts for more than 6 million years. We did it! We made it past the point of no return where nuclear would have wiped out all of genetics.

Here are the important dates from this year:

March 2nd, 2024

The medical drama ended within a deep underground bunker.

April 7th, 2024

The nazi superweapon, the black sun, was removed partially away from some of the genetics on the planet Earth, and some genetics became clean. This means a function of genetic design, self cleaning, does actually work, and is a big sign that our intended design will come to light.

April 25th, 2024

Gheti gets out of danger. Gheti is the being that is the originator of thought and is out of a deep underground facility.

May 10th, 2024

The veil starts lifting. This is important to note for personal justice, military, nuclear technology, astronomy, and how reality is percieved in general. Since the nazi superweapon could darken the sun with the gel-oil goo, this gives us a huge technological clue about the immediate future before the global shift and grand sign.

December 28th, 2024

A global shift will emerge in a world where things are supposed to according to Nostradamus, be like a war-torn place. This is when karma, or energy will take effect upon us. Gaia will still have work to do on Maya, but this is when everything stops going on 'like normal'. This is the point where nobody knew what would happen with genetics or planets. What this is caused by is a machine from Orion (Goliath as the locals call it) is being shut down on this planet, Maya. Nostradamus wrote that if Maya, Sol, and Gaia and Enna had not kept genetics alive as part of their bargain, then we would not be alive at thus moment because of the explosive power of this machine. Maya is our planet, the earth, Gaia is the grand central sun, Sol is the sun during nuclear war and the surrogate sun for Enna. Enna is the sun now after the planet of the crossing. Those are the names of these plunae'a. Something amazing has happened where there won't be a winding down of nuclear forces, and because of this there soon won't be a continuation of war. Warlike events will cease soon when parties of nations come to an understanding of resolution, and we see that we share as individuals: energy, sovereignty, wealth, power and intelligence.


Posted by RachelLately - July 14th, 2024

I was feeling martial artsy today and thinking of people here on Newgrounds. It means a lot to me that so many people have contributed to the community in over 20 years, and so much has been done to make cartoons something good for a lot of people. What I learned is that with my camera and thoughts, I can make still frames that I can use as a digital asset and design a sequence of frames that use some real lithographs and some that are drawn together seamlessly. I had this idea of recording my ideas with a camera and making them the still frames with a tripod and shutter timer. Using light techniques to animate real frames of martial arts and then drawing characters doing the 'moves' would be a good thing here on Newgrounds. I think martial arts is great for lithography since the energy moves are so bright and colourful. The camera also has a good battery and uses thought to look through the lens. Other things I've done with the camera are use it for astronomy, and make multiple exposures of the west sky after dusk. I learned a lot from the pictures, that the stars go by us and it was like this at the time before the planet Sol crossed the sky. It's a great tool that is useful for making the things I've needed as a way of finding out how an image worked with more than what I could see. Martial arts has a lot of energy, and things that record it like a camera can be a useful teaching tool, and I hope to be able to journal and make some animations of this in the future.


Posted by RachelLately - July 6th, 2024

There will be a new light in the sky tomorrow on July 7th! Hopefully, as sometimes big things get in the way of that.

Posted by RachelLately - June 20th, 2024

As a reflection about what it's been like for me going through with martial arts training, my way of thinking is within that of attainment again, getting back how I used to do 'the moves' in other lifetimes, as well as getting back into physical enough shape. What surprised me is that I've come to live in a place where I'm naturally gifted as someone strong, and can move with the forms of this planet fluidly. What I mean is that where I'm from, gravity is a lot more, and the feeling and strength that I carry with me is naturally a lot stronger that other people that come from this planet. It's like the feeling of this place is what makes me alive and think, to go through meditation and practice and get the levels out. Meditation has taught me I'm more of a healer than I thought I was and I also needed healing badly. Someone came about who did, and Gaia then healed both of us. I have heroes too that have helped me. Other things I've learned about who I am, is that when I focus my energy, it's a lot that can crush metal, bend air and water and electricity, ice and fire, as well as let thinking act like a mirror. It's like the energy is water, and a great fortune came to me in 2020 about water, and I leaned to clean up the streets from pollution to protect mycelial life in the forest. Animals have then come to me to teach me things and give me medicine, help me understand who I am as the way they see me and it has taught me something about my energy. It's like there is this 'appendage' that a pluna'am has that is like a hand to us. It's the part of life where strength and dexterity come from, and it has helped me be a healer for Gaia and Maya. My goal is to put away things that do not serve people, within 30 years when it's said to come down when the light of Enna is revealed, as well as Gaia too. What we should see is our own power continue to increase in function, gain some new abilities in the end, and get to look at an event of light revealing that is like none other. The things that have come true about dreams have amazed me, and I'm very glad to be in a place of safety now. It's like it's ok for me to go and get all the thinking and meditation I need to function, fun with friends and lovers, and more or less being in a way that is not without Gaia's way of thinking for us to have an existence that has the function of healthy genetics. It's good to fly and to have dreams, yes this will be achieved, but it's also that we should go now to care for Gaia in their state of empowerment and life function, as a thank you for being kind to us and making a dream for us. It's learned in the martial arts how to channel energy, and I've had a lot of success at this. It makes me happy that the energy can go into anything that will function to have an ability at, and we'll make use of this new energy from the sun (pluna'am) that has changed with the crossing of planets, as well as giving a new way to new thinking with new and safer technology that is worldwide energy that is from lightning.

Posted by RachelLately - June 18th, 2024

Gaia has healed themselves and you can see where the impact of weapons had been, in the same place ki energy is focused from the body, but actually from electronic molecular weapons, something else has come to the planet from a different sun in the sky, Enna, and damage is healing from existing wars and technology that has damaged genetics. What we will go through is a reactivation including animals, people, fungus, plants, and microorganisms like bacteria, but not disease. What we missed out in dreams since the beginning, by some examples, and other aspects will be true like having a natural way some things were achieved scientifically in the past, meaning when healing activation comes from Gaia, we will have other abilities than before. Such as things like making thoughts into gold, flying, telepathy, telekinesis, remote viewing. Our genetics is intelligently designed to go with the function of how the energy works ambiently, where we find thinking and consciousness.

When the being that thinks and gives light to technology, Gaia, makes us in a way where we can find a meaningful function away from the things that were like too loud sounds that stopped some of the genetic functions from working, especially at a high energy level. It seems like a veil is being lifted and it's where we are all revealed, right beside, and within and through Gaia, the star(pluna'am) that is like the universe to us. It's often called the source energy, and is a dream a person, Gheti created. They have arrived on this planet. A veil has become lifted, where more and more dreams are revealed. Genetics has also changed and is fueled by a different star(pluna'am) Enna, and Gaia as well. Genetics is vast and animals, as well as plants and bacteria is from a star(pluna'am)as the thinking being they are. Gaia makes the choices about themselves on a basis where there is a context of knowing how their thinking influences beings on a mass scale, who they are is a intelligence and power of thought and a singular expression of consciousness like a gem or jewel. They understand language and beingess and love to have their own opinions and expressions of language.

They have ideas about who they want to become and how they would express themselves, and they are like a source of light, exactly like the sun, which is called a pluna'am, because this is how they describe the type of being that they are in terms of their own words in language. This is an important tool to express learning when you channel aspects of energy from any channeling source, and it can be a person or technology, depending on how the technology is used. For example you would channel someone using an object to make a channel broadcasting clairaudience. A star(pluna'am) does have a voice and uses a thoughtform like this that is holds where it is brightly illuminated and you can see it. People that knew this knowledge became rich travelers and explorers, usually throughout history, not just of a single planet, but a solar system or galaxy.


Posted by RachelLately - June 4th, 2024

Nostradamus predicted an event would occur sometime after other predictions that may or may not come true, would happen. He said that no matter what there would be an event when Gaia stops the injustices that happen to them. Now that Genetics are cleaned by the planet, and it's as if a veil has started to lift revealing our dreams, as well as Gheti arriving on the planet, it is a good chance that when finally the source of all the loud sound that's actually thousands and thousands of decibels, something will change. In the book Nostradamus wrote called the Days of Death and Defeat, he wrote about the big superpower military going down the tubes. It's happening right now and it's right around the corner, a big planetary change.