Writing today feels like I'm going through the motions since writing for so long. Maybe during this rocky period of the next two years, I can hope to understand a few things. One; the scope of the corruption of Epstein and his network, two; the scope of technology they has access to, and three; how it fits into the frame of what affected me during my life. The network is being taken down really soon, with the list of people on Epstein's island being released in a short while. People would expect them to rush in and arrest the people on the list, so maybe this is going to be like watching fireworks, as some have put it. It's an end to an era of war and suffering. It slowly ascends into joy and beingness. We will watch as it unfolds, and everyone can be rest assured this is when we will regain authority of this planet away from Orion control that came here over 5000 years ago.
What they brought us to this planet, we don't want for ourselves, they didn't care about the people of this planet and started trafficking us off world and created religion and elite satanists and luciferians. Both sides of the war was fought with AI nano technology, as well as sound weapons. Both sides of war have suffered enough and an understanding of the things that were done to this planet would certainly help both parties on sides of war to get a grip on what's important to this planet. We had a common enemy that would hide in the shadows and be off planet, and come when we were at a weak point individually. They preyed on the suffering of the people of this planet and aided those who were the satanic elite to further the mechanisms of control that seek to enslave the masses, religion, politics, schools, big corporations all had something to do with Epstein and it makes me think he contacted the Vatican and Orion. I can't be sure but he would have had to get an advantage in self defense. He would have needed a way to coerce people by force if necessary. So what I think is that eventually with releases made by the media soon, we will start to see answers with a connection to our lives. I think we will be very surprised in fact as to what all the information is, and eventually they will tell us as this event unfolds.