The part of me that is cautious but curious of the future is telling me to hold on! We will see in the next 2 years how the sun heals and how extra terrestrials, the galactic council, is going to contact us on this planet. But in fact, contact has already begun. I contacted the galactic counsel for a health related issue and they were able to wirelessly fix the problem! They then showed me their symbol of peace as beautiful ornate light within my apartment living room. Wireless technology is something the earth has in abundance, the Schumann resonance, and I believe they plan to change the way we use energy on this planet as well as re-educating leaders as well as the population about their way of thinking, we call it science. We sure could use their medical technology to heal the sick as well as help improve the health of animals. No doubt animal welfare is one of their concerns and I believe the galactic counsel will help us rebuild our planet after years of war factions. We were separated by nations, money, poverty, war and conflict. But learning the origin of genetics will help us understand how we can be a people to each other and not strangers. Separateness and individuality is valued by the media so highly, we take for granted at times the connectedness of our ecosystem and weather, the places we go to share experiences and the internet all are places we find corporate consumerism. By comparing our societies, ours to that of the people that live in the Pleiades, we would find many different things like a non centralized government, lack of nations, a valuable currency, sex work being the prevalence with opportunities to join the government to help with science, and a huge wireless global internet. They are masters of genetics and sun type fusion, building anti-gravity spacecraft that run on fusion. They have a space colony that is near this planet with the intention of meeting us in the next 2 years. This information has been channeled directly from them. They say religion is not true. I agree with the sentiment that a lot of books have been changed by the Orion war machine and I'm sure they are more than happy to educate others through channeling at this time. They are time travelers and scientists that have our health and best interests in mind, as well as the livelihood of animals and plants (even fungi!). I myself would like to meet them to gain an education and do space travel. In the past these people met with Billy Meier and took him to space. So I hope they take me to space as well. I want advanced technology for me and my friends, to communicate and to celebrate the shortening of the timeline, 30 years taken off the final 'cut' of when the sun actually stands up and heals. Enna is the name the sun gave to itself in my channelings, and I'm proud to call myself it's creation as a human. The galactic counsel calls their genetics Asani, and they are the same as us. It makes me wonder what knowledge they have and what has come to fruition in their sciences and philosophies. Certainly I will prepare for this event in 2 years, basically when the sun stabilizes, their ships are more safe then as they interact with it's power, then they can land on the planets' surface. Until then I will channel them and see what's ahead. I want to learn of my past lives, as part of it is with them as a science officer, as well as pick up their language.
Dude have you ever heard of the enter key?