As it be, the city I am in is the last place connected to the leveler, people are trying to convince them to shut down their nuclear technology connected to the US. The city is in bad shape now, from radiation that was removed over and over, and was some of the highest levels ever. Events that led to a massive solar storm from the sun, and technology involving the cybercrimes making it more embedded.
The thing that people need to realize that have this nuclear technology is that they are trying to reach out and get Hamilton, ON to turn off the nuclear leveler technology they use, then the machine in Los Alamos can be turned off.
I'm sure they are finding ways to reach out from the US, as well as many other people around the world will try and convince them to turn off this technology.
After this technology shuts off, immediately after, we will see the event David Wilcock describes all about. Because of this technology is the reason why it hasn't happened yet.