Here is a recap of Nostradamus:
Under peace every single genetic being is divided into a nation, and each nation is in opposition to a covert war.
Beings of light are captured and, Ghetis' place of residence on Gaia is is 'hacked':
Genetics almost becomes without mortal sight.
Death in the east, bionic war and weapons cause a medical drama for an abductee taken from Gaia.
Earthquakes kill billions.
Planetary intervention will arrive after a war conflict is resolved.
A medical drama ends with an abductee sold back as a prisoner on Gaia.
March 2, 2024 the drama ended. This was when the black goo stopped and genetics started to become clean, people will say. Also Gaia is not knocked out of consciousness. It turns out with how the channel worked, the names of Gaia and Maya as plunam (like the sun) were reversed and mixed up. Gaia is the being like what all creation is as a spirit, including space and time and connection of beings and ideas, and Maya is the name of this planet earth. Plunam is the type of being they are, like calling myself human.
A huge awakening will go on where dreams will become realized into reality, as if ripping off a veil.
This will probably happen in 2024. With healing it will. This is when Nostradamus said everything karmatic will just happen all at once. All around this time, the truth will become public, but more than that, people will see intelligent consciousness in it's healthy state, or by way of example, like a way of Gaia healing the trauma the atomic bomb and nuclear weapons caused. It looks like Gaia will appear as a light in the sky sometime this year, and the world will be brightly lit with intelligence.
Gaia will provide clean genetics with what they have.
Gheti will arrive and be with the new genetics.