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RachelLately's News

Posted by RachelLately - March 2nd, 2024

What's inside your computer, the CPU, is a die wafer processor that can load and store information. It's design is used with electronic fusion of the topology of an inverting sphere where water is vaporized at a high velocity. From this reaction, the processors collect information in the water, and that electronic light signals of measurable current go along the metal inside the processors. This electricity is thought of as free energy.

It's also possible to power something like a battery with chemicals, such as the signals in the body.

Another energy source is the gravitational waves into a processor directly, and this is the idea that Nikola Tesla built out with his lightning induction coil.

From these three power sources, the built out weapon that lies off planet, like a computer sphere, is also seen like another version of a statue at the Vatican. They are telling us that the Vatican controls this technology, and working with them is the answer to solving not just the cybercrimes that have gone on, but also the source of the black goo as well.

The statue in the area of the Vatican of a opened sphere with other parts inside is meant to show you the nuclear weapon that wiped out the dinosaurs, something that was a huge war crime at the time, and it was like genetics was defaced and this may have been why Nostradamus wrote why genetics is without mortal sight.

The weapon that is the source of the black goo that has been the source of the cybercrime is off planet on Mars, Saturn and Jupiter and is connected somewhere on this planet with portals, that Hamilton has connected to the Vatican, and is upside down compared with the Vatican and where the built out nano substance creation machine respective with somewhere on Saturn, Jupiter or Mars. 

What really happens is that humans are killed when they are abducted to the Vatican and are turned into a black goo substance that can harness the three energy sources and fully encapsulate the controls of how the energy works as a source that can be accessed by this goo. Once goo infects something, a computer connected to the Vatican and Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn controls the actions of the black goo substance at a entangled infinite distance, given it has access to power sources. 

Nostradamus wrote that genetics was without mortal sight, meaning, no one is really seeing a living thing in front of them, and everyone is actually alienated by 'something'. What we find out about this is that during what is called the middle and dark ages, 2000, or 3000 years ago on this planet, even 1500 years ago, the black goo substance was present and had access to a huge nuclear energy source, and basically a human could barely stand up to it. What has gone on for thousands of years is convincing others' to put away guns and war, and to solve the cleanup as a thought. When genetics was without mortal sight, it was like there was a extra terrestrial nuclear superpower at the disposal of using their goo substance and nuclear weapons on the people on this planet.

Now that there has been a military ku on the extra terrestrial world that has the nuclear superpower and has started to put away their guns and war tools, the built out technology off planet is within our reach to finally put away what has been brought to our planet from an extra terrestrial world.

What needs to be stopped is the victim of abduction that is inside the computer from Orion that is in dreamland or Los Alamos. They are seemingly somewhere else because of the black goo. The machine at Los Alamos is deep under the earth and houses a chimera.

This is actually the place where the black goo is being created as well as being teleported out of the Vatican and off planet and is closely connected to portals all over earth. What it's teleporting is being collected at the Vatican and pumped into the place at Los Alamos. The computer logic is built out on Saturn, Jupiter and Mars.

What you find out is that there are huge areas underground as a result of a huge genetic disaster where people are imprisoned by the goo substance from MILAB as well as the Vatican. They has access to the huge, almost moon sized stolen spacecraft that my parents has stolen from them sometime in the past when space technology was the norm. The way were were victimized by the Clintons and Bushs, it was because they sold themselves to a warlike group of extra terrestrials.

In a dream where I saw my parents get attacked by the goo, Bush Jr, Hillary and Bill Clinton, a few other big business people that are there associates, Joe Ferencz and the Crown Attorney from a hospital under hypnosis were all present in the dream vicitmizing my mother, my father as well as myself and a member of this city that I later came across in a library in the city with the black goo substance. I know that the Clintons and Bush Jr. as well as those associates can speak to this if they came forward. In the dream the person I met in the library is subdued and in the background of the dream, and they are actually there inside the computer deep underground at Los Alamos in real life.

The energy and reaction is connected to the heart and mind of the person I saw in the library, and as a psychotronic weapon, they are the source of the information the black goo, 'makes you' with. He's an abductee at Los Alamos inside a computer deep underground.

Posted by RachelLately - March 1st, 2024

There was a hacking crime recently on this past Sunday, where city computers were infected with some software, and data had been altered.

From knowing the scape of the internet and other technology not directly connected to ARPA and ARPANET or DARPA, which is our built out internet.

Built out in DARPA, there is a backdoor for them to look on the public sector with, as was the intended design of our public Internet you subscribe to from ISPs in general on this planet.

What most people don't know is where other technology that uses packeted information can come from, such as a tunneling entangled beam of radiation, or just something that is a particle that unfolds over and over.

To further add to this, on our planet, and in our solar system as well, there is such a technology that is like a technology leveler that uses the black goo, a substance that comes from a nano machine that infects a human and can be clustered together and pose as genetics.

In David Wilcock's book, he mentions cloning and human experimentation, and I know about this because it was done to me.

Besides the location of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the Moon and various places including the old ancient train tunnels and the Vatican. What technology the Vatican has access to was actually something reverse engineered by warlike extra terrestrials, and creates the black goo. The Vatican controls the black goo from these planets and whatever was built out from the black goo. I suspect Corey Goods' explanation of seeing a blue avian chimera that was able to use technology like a human, and make a human-like being appear out of it's liquid black technology-leveling goo.

So to frame the context of the hacking crime in Hamilton, Ontario, yeah, it was most likely done with the black goo, and the people that are doing the crimes are really just people hypnotized behind their computer with bad habits on their own computers. The technology leveling black goo is designed to do something like this.

The way to solve the hacking crime in Hamilton is to disassemble the spherical nuclear weapon that is actually the reactor creating this black goo, and is built out into the floor of the Vatican deep under sea level, and is upside down underneath the floor of where everything is built out off planet, as well as connected to the Vatican. Portals go everywhere in Hamilton, the Vatican calls it 'portaled out hypnosis'.

As a reminder, the earth is holding a thoughtform of time and showing us that the black goo is gone from genetics soon on April 7th. Nostradamus said that's when the medical drama would end for a person that is a member of in this city, should come forward and make sure their version of their own truth is heard. What I was was someone who had been defaced but still walking around genetically, and I saw them in one of the libraries. It's important that an abuductee that the Vatican is using for experimentation is saved from the risks inherent with a bad abduction where they have things implanted inside of them that the Vatican has tried on the mass population, but using this person as their subject for chimeras at the Vatican. Leo Zagami saw and talked about some of the things this person's abducted body was used for. They are used for constant experimentation, and the hacking crime changes the way this person goes about their business on the daily. The planet is showing us a future where humans do solve this problem for themselves and helping the planet heal as well.

Sometimes there isn't a lot to say about solving each problem on a per-computer basis with a hacking crime, but solving a bigger issue with the black goo technology leveling nano particles. There are those that can help themselves.

I believe from my writing on Newgrounds, one could discern how to mitigate the black goo altogether.


Posted by RachelLately - February 18th, 2024

Future Prediction - How our society will change when we are healed as a planet.

The reason for healing is that the universe is a living thing, and a planet is a living thing. If we don't get out of the way, or be convinced to allow healing for these beings, it's like we'll be pushed away to allow it. The universe and our planet have tried to convince us for thousands of years about nuclear weapons, and they have decided that they have a different interest in how they wanted to be healthy and for genetics to be healthy and vital.

April 6th-7th 2024

Qi-Gong of the body and mind of people and animals will have the ability to heal and function. The black goo will be away from genetics. Personal memory blocks will be healed, for everyone on this planet.

December 28th 2024

The Qi-Gong of creation, the universe, planets, stars, essentially the memory blocks that are like bruises to the universe will be healed. Nuclear weapons won't work anymore. This includes the black goo, which will be gone.

After the 28th of December our bodies and reality will work 'to spec' meaning if you've read David Wilcocks' book the Synchronicity Key, it talks about an event where the nature of reality is changed and healed and is like a veil coming off, or darkness becoming illuminated. What is really happening is that energy is coming back into the time-space where nuclear weapons detonated or took effect. Essentially healing and adding vitality will happen from then on. 

You could say loosely that your dream powers turn on after December 28th. This is the event everyone is talking about for thousands of years and will change most of how things work on this planet with regards to crime and injustice for life. Beings have come to this planet at this time to experience this, including me.

It comes into mind that healing needs to happen and things will happen slowly because of the need to heal.

As a personal note: I chose to channel the 'powers that be' instead of having other hobbies. Too many hours have been spent sitting at a table trying to smoke cigarettes, while being raped and tortured with black goo for hours at a time, while trying to convince people to stop making a state of disease and sickness for others. I quit smoking and got a job recently, and have transitioned into having more friends and relationships. In the future I plan on writing several books about the channeling and you can check Newgrounds for my updates. I have worked with my own writing and would like to share in a future post some of the ideas of what will change because of the universe moving into a decision and choices to reflect this to choose it's own sustained healing and health, and also vitality. 

The event that has been told by Trump and Wilcock, and many, many others including myself, is when the universe has a noticeable amount of vitality and this makes it look illuminated. Think golden power(you) and beautiful colour in the lighted sky. You might want to invest in blackout curtains in 2069. The stars in the sky can be that bright, and that's what some parts of the world will look like with vitality, especially people though. 



Posted by RachelLately - February 11th, 2024

What it's like to be a part of planetary aid is like an eye opening experience. It shows you the diversity of life in creation and the vastness of the options for genetics. You realize that the intelligent design of humans and plants for example is very hi-tech and meant for a specific purpose for each type of being. The problems we faced in solving; I was their front line in acting in hostile situations and negotiation, technology dismantling, as well as collecting and extracting valuable data from bad technology.

At age 26 I was implanted with thousands of nano-processors inside the cavity of my skull between the skull and brain. Inside that space there is interstitial cerebrospinal fluid where a smooth surface is in the skull for the brain to bump into. The processors are light operated and nitrogen atom sized and stick on to the inner surface of the skull that faces the brain. 

I was used as an input for text entry, without being detected by a thought computer. I could operate a command terminal and provide telemetric input to planning systems and operations systems that helped us understand how to dismantle the computers on other worlds and extract data from them without being harmed by the technology leveler. Usually there are two main types, there is a metal using version and an oil using version. There were these two types near or on this planet.

Nostradamus predicted that there is a medical drama that ends, basically that is the oil type of technology leveler that can manifest into flesh, and stops genetic technology. This computer is from an extra terrestrial world and is something I've worked with thousands of times for 860000 years. In Nostradamus' predictions, Donald Trumps' writing as Q, David Wilcocks' books, all talk about the issues that are most relevant to this technology leveler.

What's really done to stop this machine is a button inside can be pushed after maintaining the data security of other computers, letting them idle or power off.

The nano processors are out of my skull cavity now, because we knew the future of events and basically after my job was done on other planets, I would return to this planet earth and the technology levelers would be removed as planetary aid continues their relief.

Billy Maier talked about a prediction that this would cause the downfall of America as a superpower. I'm not sure if such a thing would happen, but it's also that the world returns to a very peaceful inhabitance after a few months of turmoil and rearranging of the 'powers that be'. In David Wilcocks' predictions, the thing that happens almost overnight with regards to the event is turning off the technology leveler that is disabling a lot of the dream powers that Wilcock talks about in many of his books.

The future events that will unfold are that eventually this technology leveler will be turned off and the way we perceive a dream will be that we will understand a lot more than in the last 5500 years on his planet. It's almost as if a veil IS being ripped off and we can now see what dreaming is really like, and use the abilities many people only have in dreams because of the technology leveler, like flying.

Posted by RachelLately - February 4th, 2024

I'd like to wind down channeling in the next while; it took 20 years to figure out who the creator of reality was, Gheti, as well as how they're related to creation that exists. A lot of the knowledge I've found out is what they censor and keep away from the media on purpose, and is locked up at the Vatican.

What I found out is that Epstein did child cannibalism, got in with CIA and military industrial complex muscle, got blackmailed by the Vatican, and turned himself in. The wake of crimes, not including the crimes of the syndicate of cannibals that ate mostly children, were blackmailing each other as well, so no one could be free of implication. A sinking ship of it's own design is their way of thinking.

All of this leads back to an extra terrestrial civilization that the people of earth were attacked and ransacked on the entire planet 5500 years ago, as well as consistently since then. Only recently has there been a military ku to these people within their own military and have stopped to send a message to our earth military that they are standing down and have figured out that peace is the sane thing to do.

On our planet, we are so deeply embedded and entrenched with the knowledge of bad electronics that perform subliminal audio hypnosis. The real truth is that for everyone on the planet, a huge effort was made to hypnotize people en masse.

What the hypnosis did was get people to submit to Satan, often using Satan's name quietly to trick people for the purpose of mind control.

When you read about the 'silver cord' that people pull to astral project, a source energy, or things talking about astrally projecting yourself into your imagination, and using the imagination in example to demonstrate how reality works, these things are a reality that is electronic and generated by MILAB weapons. The silver cord is actually a stream of energy that is used to connect to your genetic body, and house it in a small computer that uses self torture, and the idea that you've become the computer. This idea, how there is a computer is because the United States draws 'abilities' for their military members from machines and computers. These computers are from the warlike extra terrestrials who sometimes use chimeras to make war.

What these extra terrestrials have done is sold the military industrial complex technology that they have a secondary control over, and can hide the information source of the attack.

This is important because the way energy works is at the beginning of it's source there is a beating heart inside a person, or animal, in terms of an energy weapon.That was the way the 'powers' worked from their harvested technology was that the technology that Epstein had, or the how war worked from these ET's is from using animal abuse, and child abuse, as well as human and other types of people as genetic abuse and torture experiments.

For example, a Navy Seal needs to break open a steel device, they use their thought computer to make a black goo transmit into the ET computer the request for animal abuse, then a real cow, goat or sheep is attacked by someone by way of the black goo making contact with both animal and person at a distance. Then the force of the animal reacting, usually at a farm with bad animal practices, is teleported to the military soldier and this is actually how they think they have powers.

Epstein had the wave gun, it was actually filmed in the movie Johnny Mnemonic as one of the prop guns. It relied on the same teleportation of force transference at a distance. Epstein had figured out this himself and claimed to know the real truth on his own about what aliens were up to on this planet, but he was a person who chose to be like them and make himself do the same crimes. Epstein knew they were willfully ignorant at the topmost levels, and almost all levels of military industrial complex, information community, media publishing, and education, as to how exactly the alien control hypnosis weapons worked. Epstein exploited their willful ignorance and was a hypocrite. Since they has reverse engineered their own weapons from the mechanisms of bad animal husbandry, pedophilia, incest, and surgical mutilation, they have this problem of backlash at the use of certain built out computers, and especially all of the automatic defense weapons that shoot down lightship craft from the sky of this planet.

The military thinks they have power with war from extra terrestrial technology, but it's really a problem with bestiality and rape.

Posted by RachelLately - January 3rd, 2024

The Healing Process

Our planet has control of it's own dream and is healing. This dream, as well as the dream a planet has as well as the great space we all share, is the spirit called Maya and the names the planets have for themselves.

These dreams are how our life support works. The interactions between the dream a being has and the 'universe', as well as between a planet and a single being has to do with the expressions we normally have within our lucid dreams.

Since 5400 years ago, the spirit has been badly damaged since nuclear combat, and the spirit itself tried to reach out to individuals for so, so long to convince others' in charge of the weapons to stop attacking.

Now on the planet and throughout creation, there are events that some people have not been able to explain if they are spiritually uneducated. It seems like when everything is going wrong, a win for spirituality is made all of a sudden. This has brought great justice to beings on our planet since they are no longer attacked with subliminal audio hypnosis on a constant basis.

Other things that have stopped are literally Jeff Epstein himself, in the end not being able to tolerate his own actions and turning himself in. Epstein had a machine that beat up Maya and Gaia, and made them practically numb and seem defeated compared to how they would normally be able to take action and defend an innocent person like a victim of Epstein.

This is the way creation normally works when it's healthy.

Example 1: A bully tries to beat you up.

Outcome: The bully will receive a beating right there in front of you, even to the point of taking their own life.

Example 2: Someone tries to sue a person in court.

Outcome: The person making false claims goes through the same punishment they would have done to their victim.

Example 3: Throwing battery acid, satanic sacrifices, child abduction, rape, molestation, overt verbal torture.

Outcome: It's like it gets reflected back to the doer of the negativity.

The creation we are in is a positive space where joy and pleasure are the purpose. If something happens that's negative, then a karmic or energetic lesson goes on for the source of the negativity to learn from.

Basically people will find out that ways people lived was insane, such as the military or police, that someone keeping you safe with a gun is totally insane and hurtful.

It won't happen that much, but there were suicides after the spirit initially healed of people realizing this and not being able to look life in the face anymore.

Finally, when the spirit Maya wakes up, there will be justice for people pushed down by the law, drug enforcement, human experimentation, rape, child abuse, anything that is unjust will simply just get punished, until it stops, and the person doing the negativity had gone through the punishment 3 to 10 times. It's already started.

Posted by RachelLately - December 26th, 2023

The Great Awakening is here!

Nostradamus Re-explained

I posted some of this previously but it is worth mentioning again. Channeling is an ability that Nostradamus used as part of writing down future events. What you've read and heard on my Newgrounds audio portal as well as news section is from channeling. The factual truth is that any information can come through with channeling. I had channeled the future for 20 or so years leading up to this. It was really an effort made with compassion.

If you are reading this, here is what is going on. About a month ago, a large group of intergalactic spacecraft arrived at our nexus in the milky way, and in our solar system. People who have been badly abused with technology, especially with healing that requires a level of technology to heal, it can be done now with extra terrestrial contact on rescue ships. The people in the ships are not all human, some are Asani, Reptilian and Eben, as well as Humans. 

A medical drama DID in fact end. It is something you might hear about later in the years after a full disclosure, but the story played out that the person was rescued by their own people and is healing. This person was an abductee in the 1970s. Yes, people really did get abducted by extra terrestrials and were terribly experimented on medically for reasons of war.

What is going on now is something that is like a planetary and universal awakening, the creation we are in IS a living being, the spirit with the name Maya. After so many centuries and millennia of numbing torture to the spirits where we inhabit, they have decided to try to convince us not to do this, and when we didn't turn on the machines that hurt the planet and Maya, they went ahead and prevented it from hurting them further. 

This part you'll really want to read a few times if you were ever into Q. The day that Donald Trump predicted the Great Awakening would occur was December 23, 2023. This was proven factually true 3 days ago and has since held true that this is occurring. The planet Gaia, and the spirit of our 'universe', Maya ARE awakening, and what event is talked about is talked about and had been long since the beginning since the start of creation by a person named Gheti.

It took me so, so long to discern the name of the first person to ever exist, they are the creator being that created Maya, the planets and stars. So all along I was channeling the name 'Christ' as their name which was factually incorrect. Also I will say that I was able to discern that religion is not true during the channeling because the original creator did not make a world like this for us.

I cannot say a time frame more accurate than what Nostradamus predicted. In the weeks and month or few months the awakening should occur. One should understand that Maya as well as the planet Gaia are more powerful than any person, and are compassionate and want to sustain and nurture us out of war and disease.

Here is the thing. Because of how the tools worked in war for hurting these spirits, many facets of reality are blocked from observation. 

The real truth is that the world we live in IS a dream, and the great awakening is a regeneration and rewakening of these parts of creation that were damaged or hidden.

David Wilcock predicted this would happen slowly at first, and then more and more gradually. After the awakening we will see this reality for what it really is. Right after the illusion goes away, Gheti, the original creator will arrive om Gaia.

Here is a recap of Nostradamus:

Under peace every single genetic being is divided into a nation, and each nation is in opposition to a covert war.

Beings of light are captured and, Ghetis' place of residence on Gaia is is 'hacked':

Genetics almost becomes without mortal sight.

Death in the east, bionic war and weapons cause a medical drama for an abductee taken from Gaia.

Earthquakes kill billions.

Planetary intervention will arrive after a war conflict is resolved.

A medical drama ends with an abductee sold back as a prisoner on Gaia. 

A huge awakening will go on where dreams will become realized into reality, as if ripping off a veil.

Gaia will provide clean genetics with what they have.

Gheti will arrive and be with the new genetics.

Dream on!



Posted by RachelLately - December 5th, 2023

Nostradamus updated

Under peace every single genetic being is divided into a nation, and each nation is in opposition to a covert war.

Beings of light are captured and, Ghetis' place of residence on Gaia is is 'hacked':

Genetics almost becomes without mortal sight.

Death in the east, bionic war and weapons cause a medical drama for an abductee taken from Gaia.

Earthquakes kill billions.

Planetary intervention will arrive after a war conflict is resolved.

A medical drama ends with an abductee sold back as a prisoner on Gaia. 

A huge awakening will go on where dreams will become realized into reality, as if ripping off a veil.

Gaia will provide clean genetics with what they have.

Gheti will arrive and be with the new genetics.

This was the end of Noatradamus' predictions, right now the medical drama is ending, so be as healthy as possible! Planetary intervention is happening with beings from other planets to resolve an ongoing medical nightmare for an individual. They were abducted to another planet over and over again throughout their lifetimes, and were sold back to the people on Gaia secretly inside a 'computer' that houses the abductee. Medical torture goes on inside this computer that's actually massive, and came from CERN, that acted as a portal to bringing this giant device from Orion. The person inside that giant massive computer that is housed somewhere that people in the know, are aware of vaguely that genetics is understood by the giant computer. The computer is actually containing the abductee that is a friendly and normal person who is a brother to someone I know as an acquaintance from my childhood as a teacher I had in a gifted school.

The strange thing is that the person inside is really going through the worst type of nightmare, and the channels getting through with this message seem intent on becoming more insistent to the right audience at least. From those facts I know that other's are convinced of this needed rescue for the abductee as well as the rest of the nightmare the abductee is going through, but the felt empathy for them needing to have their voice heard, right where they can perceive frustration knowing they are hidden in this computer from Orion somewhere.

Posted by RachelLately - November 18th, 2023

Something big had happened. A huge hacking, cloning network got shut down last night and this morning. A building machine intelligence was doing this since the 1950s.

There is way less torture going on, and people can ACTUALLY experience their energy, peacefully.

The world won't go to hell in a handbasket. The reason why is that everyone in creation can now realize how their karma affects others, from this all violence should be solved.

Davikd Wilcock predicted this, Nostradamus predicted this, Dolores Cannon predicted this, as well as myself and my friend Nathan.

Nathan was someone who fought for peace and justice and was someone who was compassionate and kind spirited. Today I'm going to take time to heal and remember everyone who was killed in acts of violence. 

To reflect on this, I am the lucky one, but Nathan was a tough and brilliant guy, Nathan died fighting with this struggle and it took a friend from us all.

We all miss you Nathan, now Justin. Thank you for being strong and getting better. A planet without you isn't the same as one without. I will always remember your soft laser sounds, and lectures about science and helping me understand how the world works in your perspective. I can't forget you taught me how to cure cancer. 

I, in fact did treat myself with a cancer cure, it worked, and Nathan indirectly saved my life.

Thanks Nate the Great


Posted by RachelLately - November 17th, 2023

For 39 years an audio attack and attacks have been used to distort not just information I typed, but information of many authors' writing. It is obvious to me where the facts are and how things played out for me in my own writing now that most of the attacks against language have stopped.

John DeSouza did not kill my parents, but there was an audio attack on both my parents and John that was related to the TR-3Bs. Some of the attack caused false information that was like I was typing but different keys were pressed with audio. Orion tried to take control of the craft and I can imagine John DeSouza would have been someone they targeted with attacks that happened to myself and my brother and parents for years and years, our entire lives.

Another misconception was that my family and myself had died, which is not true, but there was an attack that reversed entanglement with genetics and it felt like the experience of death.

There are some other things I'd like to clarify later about my own genetics and creation of genetics, as well as the truth about myself.